What have you Done?

374 32 18

Arthur Leywin

I exited the portal, ending up in front of Seris's estates with the others, Ellie stood at my side with Boo, she was trained by Seris, so I'm sure she was happy to be here. Chul and Kordri stood in the back, Aya was behind me, Caera next to her. I started towards the house, and as I did, I noticed the Scythe on the balcony overlooking us.

"Boo, go play in the field for now." Ellie told her bond, and as she did, he looked at her with a look that said no. "Come on, you know Seris doesn't like you in the mansion." He huffed and he did as she said, causing me to smile slightly.

I continued walking, everyone following me, then Seris backed into the mansion, I could feel Cylrit inside, and one other person. It looks like Seris got rid of all her help, most likely due to Cecilia attacking here.

The door opened for us, and it was Cylrit, his eyes on me, and the two behind me, the asuras. "Welcome, Arthur, it's good to see you here." He said to me, nodding his head. "It's been quite a while."

"It has been." I told the Retainer, the only one I truly could stand, he helped me a little. "I came to speak to Seris, it's urgent, and the faster we begin, the safer we all will be." I stepped into the house with him, walking side by side with the Retainer.

"You are talking about your brother." Cylrit noted. "I hope you know, Seris made a deal with him, so if you've come to argue it, I don't know if she will listen. Virion played us, sort of, but if we team up with you, the odds are he will kill the citizens around Alacrya."

"I figured, but I still came." I told him as we started up the stairs. "I need to talk to her, I need to know what has happened, and what we can do, from what I know, Seris is a very smart person, and if she joins with me, standing up against Virion and Agrona will seem a little more possible."

"Maybe." Seris said, meeting us at the top of the stairs. "Arthur or Grey, things are in shambles." I reached a handout and she took it. "But I am all ears, however, if we are to do this, I'm sorry, but only the people who can be trusted may come down to my lab."

"Seris." Ellie said, stepping up to my side as we all stood on the top of the stairs. "It's been so long." Seris actually smiled as she turned to my sister, but it still was a faint smile, and as she did that, Caera stepped up as well to Cylrit's side.

"It's good to see you too, Ellie, I heard from my sources that you took out Draneeve, impressive, I felt proud when I heard that." I could feel the joy coming off of Ellie from hearing that, then she turned to Caera. "And you did your job, Caera, I only hoped that you would have returned sooner."

"I'm sorry." Caera said, but the two exchanged head nods. "We had to go into the Relictombs, then deal with Virion, there was a lot we had to deal with." Seris nodded her head at Caera, then turned to me.

"It's fine, but that means it's true, Virion came clean, and told you everything?" She asked, and I nodded. "I don't know everything, so I'll ask you to fill me in, but from looking at it, you seem to have obtained new allies."

"I have." I told her, looking back at the two asuras. "This is Kordri and Chul, they are my allies, and two people I trust." I trusted them because there was no way Virion placed a mind slave spell on them. "They'll be helping me, or us, depending on what you decide to do."

"Alright, I suppose you only brought people you can trust, but I have to imagine Virion knew that, so I ask that the elf stays behind." Seris looked at Aya, a close friend to Veer, but I checked her, she was clean, but who knows. "Everybody else may follow me to the laboratory downstairs."

Seris spun around and started towards a different staircase, I looked at Aya and spoke. "She has a point, and I'm sorry to ask this of you, but could you stay up here?" Everybody else followed Cylrit as he went towards Seris, leaving Aya and me behind for a second.

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