Battle for Sehz-Clar Pt. I

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Eleanor Leywin

"Eleanor, you aren't using your abilities to their fullest." Kordri told me, shaking his head as we stood in front of Seris's estates. "You need to be able to coordinate your attacks so that each one can be a deciding blow on your enemy."

"I know." I said with annoyance, but not aimed at him. "I just am having trouble doing that. I'm so used to fighting from afar, so I'm not used to being able to fight up close and take on stronger beings."

"I get that, but isn't something you can just let go, you need to get better at it." He's been helping me practice hand to hand combat, it's been nice, and he's also told me a lot of stories about Arthur and his time with him. "If you don't, you could end up dying."

I nodded my head, understanding that I needed to better coordinate my attacks. I could add in soulfire arrows as I threw punches or shot arrows and brought forth something else. I turned to my bond who was sitting on the ground out of the way, he was just watching us. 

"Eleanor." Kordri snapped my attention back to him. "You need to focus, we have no clue how much time we have here, so we need to make every second count." I nodded again, looking back at the asura. "Alright, like I said day one, you might have fought toe to toe with a Retainer, but from what I heard, you almost died, it was Arthur who saved you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I remember." I waved his comment off, remembering him telling me that. "I can hold my own in a fight, but I can't, no, I don't have a deciding move, a way to end it unless an arrow hits."

"And that is our issue." Kordri told me, looking at me. "Now, unlike you, I only use my fist and small amounts of mana in a fight. You can't do that; I've been training for years upon years in this fighting style. You are good with arrows, so that's what you need to focus on."

As I was about to speak, a dark pressure came our way, coming from Seris's estates. Kordri and I turned to it, and walking out of the bottom of the estates towards us was Seris, Caera, and Fenyir. I didn't know what was going on, but they seemed off, their eyes were on us, their killing intent was being released.

"Seris?" I said out loud, but they couldn't hear me yet, it was more a comment towards Kordri.

Boo got up and started towards me, I think he sensed what we were. "Stay behind me, Eleanor." Kordri told me, but I didn't know why he said that. "I don't like what I am feeling or seeing." I stepped to his side, behind him, but I could see forward as three girls stopped in front of us.

"Seris!" I said her name again, but she didn't even look at me, she just stared forward at Kordri. "What's wrong? Caera? Fenyir?" I said the other names, but I didn't get a response, they just stared.

"Scythe Seris, are you in there?" Kordri asked a weird question, but as a blade formed in her hand, it didn't feel so weird. Caera drew her blade, then Fenyir got into a fighting stance, mana surging through her. "Protect yourself, Eleanor, I believe this is Agrona's plan."

Seris shot forward, her blade coming down on Kordri, but he broke it with a punch, then grabbed her by the waist and threw her into the ground. I conjured mana arrows all around me, confused on what was going on. 

Why were they attacking us? 

Caera shot at me, I released the arrows out of habit, not wanting to die. They danced through the air, Boo stepped in front, and as Caera's sword slashed through them, Boo slashed her across her chest and knocked her down into the ground.

I conjured a soulfire arrow and shot it at Fenyir, she dodged the first and second one, but was unable to dodge the third as it hit her ankle and the fire started to burn within her. Caera got to her feet, swung her sword at Boo's head, but I stepped in, grabbed her wrist, stopping her from moving any closer, and sent a kick into her stomach.

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