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We stood within the Xyrus teleportation machine, there were two guards in here with us, but at my orders, they didn't move, they just stayed still. I didn't have time to tell them everything, or anything, we needed to be quick about all this.

"Ellie." I looked at my sister as everyone stood here. "You need to go distract either Virion or the clone of Virion, he won't hurt you." I didn't think so at least, he couldn't be that far gone. "Everybody else, we are going to have to take down Damon, but with Regis's idea, we don't have to kill him, only get him to stand still for a couple of seconds."

"You act like that'll be easy." Bairon said, shaking his head as his spear dug into the ground. "He killed more asuras than all of us combined, and his shadow and wind magic is better than any other Vritra I've seen."

"But I don't think he'll be fighting to kill us." I told them, assuring them that this wasn't a battle for their life, but it would be a battle where they could get hurt in, well, I guess one wrong spell could end somebody's life. "Bairon, Caera, and I will lead the charge, Mica, you get ready to use gravity magic in the back to hold him down."

"Mica knows." The Lances nodded her head. "I will hold him down."

"And we are to go to the medical bay." Jasmine said, looking at Adam as the two stood there calmly, knowing this wasn't a fight for them. "We'll go and do what you asked, should only take a couple of minutes after you start the fight."

"Okay." I said, then motioned for them to leave. "You two get going then, send her to Ellie." They nodded and left, then I turned to the two guards, guards who could be under Virion's control, but I had no clue how to tell. "You two stay here, don't move, don't say anything to anyone. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Lance Godspell." They both said, making me feel a little bit better, if they were under Virioin's control, I have to imagine they would have said Arthur, not Godspell, but I don't know how this mind spell really works.

"Alright." I nodded, turning back to the others with me. "We should get going, we don't know how long we can stay hidden." Veer could have his spies in any location, sneaking up on Damon and him is pretty much impossible, but we were going to try. "I'm going to go first, you three get there as fast as you can."

Since I could god step, I was banking on that hiding me from blood magic, but I didn't know. "Be careful." Caera told me, and we all exchanged head nods, but Ellie gave me a sad look as she stood at the exit of the room.

"Arthur, don't kill Damon, I know you aren't going to, but if it comes down to it, do what you can to keep him alive." She paused, then added one more thing before leaving us behind. "They are simply following Veer's orders; his children don't know what are right and wrong."

I stood there for a moment as she left the room, but as I gathered myself and thought about what she had just said. I realized she was right, they were following orders, they were just born, but they were still beings with god like power.

"I'm going." I told the three behind me as Regis moved within my core, preparing to god step with me out of the room, and into the open street. I was going to god step over and over again until I ended up in Xyrus academy right near Damon.

I took a deep breath and went, god stepping again and again, vanishing and reappearing all through the city, and when Damon came into view, he was looking in my direction, sensing my approach.

I appeared right in front of him, blade in hand, and swung it towards his chest, trying to land a direct blow that would damage him severely, but keep him alive if he was treated immediately. I watched as runes appeared on his body and he swatted my hands away and swung a hand at my face.

My Beginning After the End Four ArmiesWhere stories live. Discover now