Battle For Etril Pt. I

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Arthur was about to speak, but a mana spike shot through my chest, impaling me on it, and I felt my body get picked up into the air. "Veer!" Arthur shouted, looking at me with fear in his eyes, but luckily, I pushed the mana spike to the side, so it didn't impale me in the location I cut the flesh out of, and only to my side.

However, I did feel myself start to lose consciousness, my eyes were starting to drift shut, but I pushed mana into my blood, and I vanished from the spike, appearing in the puddle of blood from before, holding the wound as a figure descended.

"I thought that was going to kill you." Cecilia said, landing on the ground, forming a triangle with Arthur, her, and I. "Well, it doesn't matter, the two of you almost killed each other, but now I can finish you both off."

"Oh my god, of course this bitch shows up, I knew it." I said, shaking my head, pushing more and more blood magic through me, while also using aether to help. There were now two large wounds within my chest, it was not good, my head was spinning, and I think Hades knew, I could feel him worrying. "We were just having a nice brotherly scuffle; this didn't concern you."

"It does now." Cecilia said, conjuring a mana sword in her hand, and as she did, my eyes widened as I felt a blade enter Nithe's chest. What was happening? I felt it all over, the mind slave spell going dull on every single Alacryans I had control over that was a mage, this, this didn't make sense. "Ahh, you sense what's happening don't you, Devil?"

Cecilia was looking at me with a smirk on her face, something about my expressions must have shown my concern. "Veer, we need to fight together to take her down." Arthur ignored her and said, he may have been right, but I couldn't help him, maybe if Cecilia almost kills him, he'll realize he is a pussy.

"Hahaha." I laughed, shaking my head at him. "No way, I'm coming for both of your heads." I told him, then faced Cecilia. "I do sense what's going on, and it doesn't matter to me." I huffed as I spoke, each breath was like a needle pressing into my throat and chest, there was so much damage. "I'll still be able to defeat the both of you."

"Delusional as always." Cecilia said, and I tilted my head at her. She was the one that was usually delusional, but alright, I guess I'll let it go, I had more pressing matters anyways. "This is going to be fun, you two, I'm sorry I had to ruin your little fight, but now it's time to die."

"Legacy verse Devil verse King." I said out loud, nodding my head as I thought about it. "This is going to be fun." I conjured two void swords in my hands, preparing to take this very seriously, but I wasn't going to use the new technique until I had too.

"Veer! This is no time to mess around." Arthur said, but I just side eyed him, and he understood. "Fine, if you want it this way." He got ready to fight, getting into a battle stance, Cecilia did the same, but I just stood there.

"Cecilia." I said the Legacy's name, and as she turned to me, I spoke. "You know, I've met a lot of people, and created a lot of others, and you might be the biggest pain in my ass, like you are such a bitch." I paused as I activated some more spells, Scarlett eyes, wind and ice augmentations, and I added more blood to the air, allowing it to circle me once again. "I wish somebody would cut you up into pieces and put you back together over and over again until you lost your mind, then forced fed you garlic powder for every meal, like actually, fuck you."

Cecilia, out of nowhere shot at me, activating her Dragon's will as she did. I think I said something that might have pissed her off. Her blade came up, but Arthur god stepped in between us, swinging his sword at Cecilia's head.

I dug into her core, trying to stop external mana usage, but could only limit it, she was too strong, and I still had Arthur's core on lock down, but the two didn't affect one another. If I released Arthur's core, I still wouldn't be able to lock her core down for a long period of time, the same time I would be given control of now.

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