Abolish the Clan Pt. II

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Virion Leywin

"Are you ready?" Selena asked me as I stood in the room with Cecilia, Ivy, Damon, and her. "This could be really dangerous; I don't know why you don't just send a clone in your place." I ran a hand through my hair as I turned away from her. "You know I am only worried about you, when Sylvie left, I figured you would be hurt."

"Of course, I'm hurt." I told her, turning back into her as she grabbed my shirt. "I was the one who allowed it to happen, but I need to continue on, otherwise all of this was pointless." I rolled my eyes, looking at the Leviathan as she stared at me. "I know you care, but I am fine, I have to go, not a clone, me."

"I just don't see why." She repeated, and I gave her an annoyed expression. "You don't think if Kezess has the opportunity to catch you, and study you like Agrona, he won't? Because you are wrong, he will do that, and you will be lost in Epheotus."

"Trust me, if they try anything, I'll just teleport out." I assured her that everything was going to be okay. "Selena, I'll be fine, just stay here, and while I'm gone, make sure everything is running smoothly." I looked away from her, and at Damon. "You too."

"Yes, father." Damon replied, knowing what to do if certain things happen, which they won't.

"I do trust you; I don't trust Kezess, and after the events with Sylvie went down, I'm just worried, that's all." Selena said as she pulled me into her and gave me a kiss. "You know that." I honestly don't care anymore, I just want to kill Kezess, I don't need anyone caring for me.

"Yep." I said, preparing myself for the teleportation. "Alright, so since I left blood in one of the rooms in the Dragon palace when I was there last, I'll be able to teleport in untouched, after that, I honestly have no clue what's going to happen."

"Are you sure you don't want us to come?" Ivy asked. "I would love to get some dragon blood on my hands."

I shook my head as I looked at the girl, her words caused me to smile slightly. "No, I'll be fine, but if everything goes according to plan, you all will be with me in no time." They all nodded their heads, that's when I sent word to Hades. 'You, ready?'

'Yep.' He responded. 'Let's go see the man himself, honestly, if it was this easy to get into here for Agrona, we would have killed him years ago. We are just lucky Kezess thinks himself too mighty for anyone to attack, well, not attack, but to come unwelcome like we are about to.'

'Yeah, well, who knows what's going to happen because of that.' I thought to him, then started pushing mana through my body. "I'll be back, you all just sit tight, make sure nothing happens when I'm gone, and watch the prisoners."

They nodded, Selena pulled me into her one more time and kissed me. "I love you, don't die on me like this, prove me wrong once again." I smiled as she said this, her blue eyes just stared into me like daggers.

"I love you too." I said, and she kissed me again, then let me go. I gave them a little wave, and finally activated the blood teleportation spell, vanishing and reappearing in the dragon palace. "Nice." I was in the room I left the blood droplet it, but there was someone her. "Fuck me."

"Virion Leywin?" He said, and I gave him a confused look. "W-what are you doing here?" He asked, and as I stared at the asura who got into a battle stance, then relaxed as he saw who I was, I tried to picture his name, but couldn't, I had no clue who he was, even with some of Agrona's memories.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, waving my hand at him, not wanting to fight, it wasn't why I was here, but I would kill him if I had to. "I thought this room wasn't used by anyone." I looked around, it was a simple bedroom that I used for like an hour, I didn't understand why an asura would use the same bed as me, a Lesser.

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