Out of Harm's Way?

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"No, after this, the whole Dominion is going to go into lockdown." Kordri told me. "The plan was to get out with that portal, there was no other option, and after this, thousands of Wraiths will be guarding all portals out, the only ones might be the Relictombs, but I can't get in there."

"Well, I'm not leaving you behind." I told him, feeling the Wraiths still moving amongst the base, looking for us, breaking things down just to find us, most likely noting or sensing that we killed their Sovereign. "I don't know how to play this."

"I don't either." Kordri said, shaking his head, five hundred Wraiths and full blooded vritras were within this base, there was no chance we could take them out, the two of us verse that force wouldn't end well. 

The door broke down and two Wraiths came flying in, eyes wide, Kordri's fist went through the skull of one of them, and my blade through the other. "Looks like we make a stand in here, force them to destroy there on base." The Wraith's bodies fell to the ground, the door closed. "Or I could stop time and we can regroup elsewhere?"

"That might be the best ---" Kordri said, and as he spoke, I felt a sense of mana growing all around us, and as we looked at one another, we both knew what it was. "Do it." At those words, I activated static void as I grabbed his arm to keep him in here with me. 

An idea came to mind, but I didn't know what would happen. "Prepare yourself." I told him as I pushed aether to my ruin and we god stepped out into the hallway where at least twenty Wraiths were, then I god stepped again, and again, and eventually we ended up outside in the grass outside the base. 

I couldn't hold this forever, but I god stepped again, then again, and as we entered the tree line, I released my spells and Kordri, taking a deep breath as I gathered myself for holding it that long. "Are you alright?" He asked, and I nodded my head. "Alright, well, nows the hard part, getting out of here."

"We got out just in time." I told him, looking back at the base swarming with Wraiths, a shield had grown all around it, but we were outside now, so it didn't matter. "I actually have an idea on how we can teleport back to Sehz-Clar from here." 

He gave me a look, then asked. "And how would that be?" I remembered opening that pocket dimension for Damon, a spell using spatium, it isn't easy, but if I could recreate it, but as we are in the pocket dimension form another one that leads us to Seris's Estates, we could get out of here, and I would have created a new spell I could use.

"Aether." I told him, sensing for the purple motts around me, then bringing them towards me. "You trust me, right?" Kordri shrugged, but nodded his head, there really wasn't another choice. I focused, and as I did, a pocket dimension formed within a minute, well, the portal to one, Kordri and I stared at it on the ground. "Jump in."

I jumped in first, appearing in this world of nothingness, and as I did, Kordri followed. "And where might we be?" He asked, looking around as well, confused, little did he know that I had no clue what I was doing, I was just going off of everything I learned from using aether.

"I have no clue, but I've been calling this place a pocket dimension." I told him, even though it was Veer's name for it. "Now's the hard part." I closed the other portal leading to Vechor, and focused on creating a new one, and as I did, I focused on what I wanted, I wanted to go back to Sehz-Clar, Seris's estates, that is where we needed to go.

I started bringing the aether that was in here to me, forming a new portal where the old one was, and focused on a location as I put it together. Kordri stood there in silence as he looked at both the portal and me, which was good because I was trying to focus on this new spell in which I had no clue if it would work.

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