Old Friends

254 24 6

Arthur Leywin

It's been about five minutes since I stepped through the portal, I did sense a couple of Wraiths nearby, they fled at the sight of me, something Virion predicted. He said that Cecilia would show up, but I don't know if that'll happen.

'Do you really think your brother is planning on killing the Sovereign?' Regis asked from with my body, then as he jumped out and joined me on my side, he added. "I feel like he was lying, even if Cecilia does show up, he could be doing something else."

"Yeah, I know." I told him, nodding my head, knowing that my brother was most likely lying, but a shot at Cecilia is a win, if I could get her to stop serving Agrona, then she could help me. "But this is important, taking down Cecilia, trying to get her to aid us, it would change everything."

"Do you think that's even possible?" He asked me and I just went silent, knowing that it probably wasn't, and I was going to have to fight to kill her if she showed up. "That's what I though, let's just get ----"

He was cut off as a portal opened up in front of us within the town of Maerin, Regis jumped back into my body and I activated my Dragon's Will, making sure nothing unpredictable could happen. Three figures stepped through, and my heart raced, seeing them, not because I didn't expect it, but knowing what I was going to have to do.

'Sylvie.' I said within my mind as I looked at Cecilia, Sylvie, and the Scythe known as Melzri. "Cecilia, we need to talk." I told her, and the portal closed behind them, Melzri would be the first to fall, I could kill her, she meant nothing to all of this.

"I don't think we do." She said, and then a blade appeared in her hand. "If I don't take you down, Grey, he'll kill Nico." My eyes widened, so she knows he isn't on her side, Agrona has threatened her most likely because she has failed him too many times, that would be my guess. 

My eyes shifted to Sylvie. "Grey, you are the brother of the one who killed me." Sylvie said, looking at me with fierce eyes, like she had no clue who I was, and looking at her, she didn't, she had no idea. This was the first time I actually got a good look at her since her resurrection, in Aramoor I saw her for a brief second, it wasn't long enough to judge her at all though. "I will help kill you, it'll help us take down the Devil as well."

"He didn't kill you." I told her, and she didn't flinch, this wasn't my Sylvie, not in the slightest. "Agrona killed you, your own father did, and now he has brainwashed you." She shook her head, not believing me, and I could feel the mana in the atmosphere moving towards them, so I brought some to me as well.

"Like I would believe you, brother of the Devil." She told me with a disgusted tone. "Even if you are enemies with the Devil as well, he is your brother, so killing you is needed." I conjured an aether blade, I didn't even know if Veer was my brother anymore, not after everything.

"Enough." Cecilia said. "We didn't come here to talk, Grey, no matter what happens, I will be taking your dead corpse to Agrona." She pointed her sword at me and added. "He wants your aether core, he wants to know how you do, what you do." 

I figured he would want to know that, but after everything, I never really worried about it. If I died her, then I wouldn't be capable of doing anything, but that isn't how I should be thinking. I need to stop her, I need to stop them. If I take them down here, Agrona would be left with nothing, no way of defeating the Asuras.

Cecilia activated her Dragon's Will, and I sent a mental thought to Regis. 'Take out Melzri and Sylvie, you should be able to defeat them. Sylvie might be an issue, but try not to kill her, she is strong, maybe stronger than you, but if anything, just by me time to fight Cecilia.'

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