Abolish the Clan Pt. I

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(One Week Later)


I was standing in front of the stage, waiting for the other clans to arrive, the Pantheons, Hamadryads, and Phoenixes were here. We were only waiting for the Titans, the Grandus clan, they were here, so it was only matter of time before they entered the hall.

Lord Indrath called this meeting to abolish the Leviathan clan, Hersius has gone too far, and it is time we all vote to remove them from the Great Eight, not just that, but to destroy them as they plan on attacking. 

Our scouts managed to spot their army preparing for battle near their clan's territory. There is one rule though within the Great Eight, you can't attack another clan without getting permission first. If the Leviathans attacked, then we could defend ourselves, and no matter what, the Leviathans would be in trouble, they would lose all the respect they had.

Lord Indrath, and Lady Myre weren't out yet, they were waiting for everyone to arrive. I still couldn't believe it's come to this; the Leviathans truly think they can stand against us. It's somewhat ridiculous to think about, stupid as well, they are going to be killed terribly.

Why they went to Virion Leywin for help, I don't know why. He isn't an ally of the Indrath clan, but he isn't an enemy, he knows what would happen if he fought against us, so obviously he would side with us, and inform us on what went down. I don't trust Virion, but the facts are all there, he didn't lie, we saw for ourselves, even heard from the Princess of the clan.

"Uhh, where is Lord Grandus." Lord Ademir said, looking at the door. "We were supposed to be here ten minutes ago, and this meeting shouldn't even take that long." I could see the frustration growing on his face, I was surprised he was one of the first members here.

"I'm sorry, Lord Ademir." Lord Grandus's voice cried out as he stepped into the room. "Some of us had to make arrangements before coming here with certain people, I'm sorry you had to wait, ten minutes." I watched as Lord Ademir rolled his eyes, and all the Lords in the room turned to the stage, knowing Lord Indrath was going to be showing up soon.

"Silence." Lord Indrath appeared out of nowhere, appearing in front of his throne, standing and staring out over the crowd of asuras gathered here in the room. "We have an important matter to speak about today, the end of the Eccleiah clan."

Lord Ademir and Lord Grandus now faced the front as I moved out of the way and stood to the side at the bottom of the stage, away from anyone's view. I could see the Lords of all the clans looking up at Lord Indrath, waiting to hear more on the issue at hand. They all knew that the clan was preparing for war, they just didn't know with who.

"Lord Indrath, I don't understand why we are here?" Lord Ademir said, shaking his head. "The Leviathans have always been a weird bunch; I don't see why we need to have a meeting without them. I'm sure they are preparing their forces to help aid us in any attack Agrona might send our way."

"They aren't." Lord Indrath told him, his voice cold, I could tell this all made him very upset. "I spoke to the Princess of the clan, Selena, and we've sent spies to the clan's territory, they are preparing for war with us, the Indrath clan." He paused for a second, then added. "I need permission from you all to attack first and wipe the clan out before they do anything to us."

The room fell silent from the news, it was Lord Grandus who spoke next. "You spoke to Princess Selena, and she told you that the clan was preparing for battle?" I don't know how Virion got her to become his wife, that is something I didn't see coming.

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