Truacia Pt. V

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Raven Leywin

Nithe was laying there on the ground bleeding out, Mawar was on the ground, cut in half, I ended her as soon as I saw it. I had no clue what the hell just happened, but all I knew was that Nithe was dying, unconscious.

The troops that were left were all around the city of Itri, we had killed the thirty thousand troops here, but right at the end, Mawar attacked. I thought that she was on our side, I don't understand why, or how she was able to do it.

"Nithe, you piece of shit, you better not die right now." I send, using the small amount of blood healing I knew on him. It looked and sensed like Mawar's blade cut in half Nithe's liver and damaged a kidney.

I can't regrow organs and replenish blood like my father or Damon, I don't possess the abilities to heal him, but he would if he could. I bent down and slapped him in the face, trying to wake him as I healed him.

"Wake up." I told him, but nothing worked. "Oh my god, come on, Nithe." I sent word to our father, or Hades I should say, and waited. There was nothing else I could do; however, I did stop the bleeding by using my limited healing magic.

A portal appeared, and just like I thought, a clone stepped through, appearing before us. "We got him." The clone of my father said as two other clones stepped through, picking his body up. "Get back to Etril, bring the force." He paused, then added. "If you run into anything, teleport away, send word and leave the force behind."

"A-alright?" I said, looking somewhat confused as the two other clones left through the portal, most likely heading to the Grotto or Maerin. "Dad, what the fuck is happening? Mawar attacked out of the blue."

"Agrona." He told me, and I just looked at him with a confused expression, not really understanding what that meant. "He has gained control over every Alacryan that has a ruin. He can basically force them to do anything."

"Shit." I said, and he nodded his head. "So, that was his play."

"It appears that way." My father turned to the portal. "Be careful, if you see or sense anything, get out." I was about to respond as he was going to step into the portal, but he stopped and spoke up. "Actually, you know what, fuck this, just come along, Raven, these troops are meaningless. I'll take care of them; you just go on ahead and take my place."

"You sure?" I asked, looking at him and he nodded his head, moving out of the way of the portal, motioning for me to go through it. "Thanks, I really didn't want to walk back anyways." I stepped towards the portal, and as my father walked away, I stepped through and felt it close behind me.

I was in Maerin, the city in the corner of Etril, in a room with two clones, Melody, Cassandra, Nithe, and Rosa. "Raven." Melody said, looking at me as the two clones placed Nithe's body on a table. "What are you doing here?"

"The clone of my father said he was going to take care of everything." I told her, and she nodded her head. The clones started to close the wound on Nithe and heal him internally, he was going to be fine, he just needed some time. "Damn."

"You killed Mawar?" Rosa asked and I nodded my head, she shook hers. "I killed Kiloph, he tried to kill me with his spear, and I had to cut his head off." This also meant we lost Melzri and Viessa, this whole plan by Agrona was really smart.

"You two, get out." Cassandra told us. "Let us figure out how we can help Nithe, I'm sure your father would like silence." Rosa and I looked at one another, then left the room we were in, heading out into the town of Maerin.

The blood troops were gathering in the front, facing inwards towards Aramoor. Our troops seemed to now number in the four hundred thousand as more from other locations came over to us. I was still trying to wrap my mind around all this, I just wanted to kill people, so that wish was most likely going to become true.

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