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Arthur Leywin

I was sitting in the living room amidst the palace we were staying in with Sylvie, my parents, Tess's parents, Ellie, Vincent, Tabitha, Lillia, Helen, Adam, and Durden. It was the day, at least that is what I was told. She was in labor; Tess was in labor right now. I know it might not be today, labor can last a while, but still, I was happy, the baby was going to come soon.

"I can't believe she's in labor." My mother said, looking at Queen Eralith, then to me. "Are you excited, Arthur, you are bringing life to this world." She phrased that last part a little weirdly, but I knew she didn't mean anything like that.

"I am." I told her, I couldn't stop myself from smiling, this was the day I became a father. "I can't wait to meet the baby." I paused, then added as I got to my feet. "I should go back into the room though; I don't want to leave her alone."

"Oh, please go, Arthur, we'll be waiting right here for you to let us know the news." Queen Eralith said, looking at me with a smile on her face. "Go on." I smiled at everyone, Ellie, my parents, then left, making my way into the bedroom where Tess was with a couple of doctors, way different from when I was born, there was one person there.

"Arthur." Tess said, breathing heavily while a doctor stood between her legs, the others stood around. "Come here, please, I need you." She said, and I made my way over to the bed and sat down behind her.

"How are you doing?" I asked, running a hand through her hair as she rested her head on my lap now. I didn't know much on what was going on, I've seen babies born before while I was King, but this was a totally different experience.

"It hurts when I'm having contractions, but other than that, I'm just perfect, Arthur, perfect." She said, but I knew she was being sarcastic, she was not fine, and she was not perfect. "Just give me your hand and shut up."

"Alright." I said, and I kept one hand on her head, and the other hand gripped her hand, well, no, her hand gripped my hand, and it hurt, but I used aether to make sure she didn't break anything. "Squeeze as tight as you would like."

"I will." She told me, and the doctors around the bed, three women and a man, stared at Tess as she screamed. "Ahhhh!" She was having a contraction, they weren't long ones, but they were getting closer and closer together.

'I feel like I should have stayed in the other room.' Regis said within my mind as Tessia continued to squeeze my hand. 'Or with Seris, Cylrit, Nico, and Caera, they are kind of fun to be around, they all are good people.'

'You are fine, Regis.' I told him. 'It doesn't matter, you are somewhat me, so it's fine.'

'Are you saying this is partly my baby?'

'What do you think?' I asked, and he started to laugh. 'No, this is not your baby in any way, but you are part of the family, you know that.' I told him, and as I did, I felt someone else enter the connection.

'Am I also part of the family?' Sylvie asked, and I smiled. 'I'm just messing with you; I already know the answer to that. I was pretty much your first child in a way, not really, but you were the one who raised me.'

'Sylvie, you know that you are part of the family.' I told her, and I could sense the smile from our connection, she knew I loved her. 'I love you.' As I said this to her, Tessia stopped screaming and her grip loosened slightly.

'I only wish Veer was here.' Sylvie said, and I felt the mood in our heads change a little. 'Then the family would be complete, Alice, Reynolds, Ellie, Regis, Boo, you, me, and him.' I knew she was still regretting leaving him, it made her feel like she abandoned him, but she did the right thing.

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