Attack on Vildorial Pt. VI

453 37 6

Bairon Wykes

I was flying through the air as the Retainer tackled me, I reached up, gripped her throat, and tried to push her off but as I grabbed her, an acidic of some sorts burnt the flesh of my hand, forcing me to remove my hands from her. She had two hands on my sides burning me, so I pushed electricity throughout my body, and stunned her, pushing her off of me as I landed on the ground.

I pulled out the spear from my mana ring, the one Arthur had just given me, and prepared myself for battle as I healed my wounds with mana, well, tried to. It seemed like the acid was preventing me from doing so.

"I always wanted to fight a Lance." The Retainer told me, her eyes dark, and vision steady on me. "I heard that all of you are pathetic, except for Virion and Arthur Leywin, that is." She smiled as she landed on the ground. "I'll make your death quick."

Mica landed on the ground on the other side of her as we fought on the city street. "I don't think so." Mica said as the ground below her started to shift with earth mana. "You are going to be the one dying today."

"Haha." The Retainer laughed as vines appeared all around her on the ground, reminding me of Princess Tessia's magic. "You honestly think you Lessers can defeat me, a Vritra blooded, haha, how pitiful, it's sad you think that."

"I've never seen you before?" I asked, wondering who she is. "What's your name?" I paused, then sent her a smirk. "I want to know the name of the mage that I'll be killing." I could see that this angered her a little, all these Asuras, Scythes, and Retainers only look at us as Lessers, it's a weird thing being called that.

"It doesn't matter." She said and the vines shot at Mica and me, forcing the two of us away from her. "Stop running!" I could hear her say as I ran from her acidic vines, Mica was on the other side doing the same thing.

I spun around, pushing electricity throughout my body, using "Thunderclap Impulse" and got ready to launch her instead. I sliced through a vine with my spear, then another, the acidic vines laid on the ground, leaving burnt marks where they did.

I could see Mica getting ready to do what I was going to do, she was surrounded by earth armor, and was swinging her hammer, trying to keep the vines off of her. This was my chance, our chance, to prove ourselves, that we can defeat these stronger foes, even if we had a limit.

I shot myself, pushing electricity through my body to make my reaction speed even faster, and I jumped over a vine, sliced another, and as they just kept on spreading throughout the street. The Retainer's eyes never left me, every movement I made, she could see, but the vines couldn't keep up.

My spear sliced through one, then another, then another, and then I was right there in front of her. I raised my spear and drove it towards her core, a vine shot up, but was stopped as electricity shot off me and stopped it. Mica was getting closer as well, but the vines were blocking her from getting close like me.

My spear hit her right in the shoulder and that is when all the vines fell down, and her eyes widened as green and red blood dripped off of her. The spear had the ability to stop mana from coursing within somebody, thanks to Arthur, I was now able to use it.

I pulled back, and got ready to swing again, trying to kill her, but she screamed."Uhhh!" That was when acid shot out of her as she gained back control, and while I was swinging, some of the acid got on me, burning through my armor like it was nothing, then reaching my flesh.

Mica arrived just as the acid hit the ground, and her hammer came on the Retainer, but a vine reached out and grabbed Mica's ankle, causing her to wrench in pain. "Ahhh!" Then more and more vines started to reappear as she regained control over them, forcing the two of us back.

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