Time is my Ally

349 35 22

Agrona Vritra

I was in my lab, sitting here, looking at the aether I gathered up, concentrated into a tube thanks to my lovely daughter. I needed to figure out what I could do with it, why it was just suddenly brought to me. Aevum, time, oh, if I could figure this out, it would change everything.

Virion attacked Vechor yesterday, but it seemed to be a pretty useless attempt, nothing happened, and from what I heard, he was simply trying to get my people to betray me. He thinks I don't worry about that all the time, I have tricks up my sleeve to make sure no one turns against me.

I couldn't wait to kill that brat, Virion Leywin was a pain in my ass, same with his damned brother. The two of them will be killed very painfully, and I couldn't wait to get my hands back on them.

I should have killed Virion long ago, I had so many opportunities, and I wasted them all. I should have listened to Nico and Cecilia, that was a miscalculation by me, and I plan on fixing it the next time I see him.

I have Dragoth near Sehz-Clar, watching, waiting, I needed Nico, that damned girl's love for him is hurting me. Virion played that excellently, very clever to take him to prevent me from doing anything to Sehz-Clar. It wasn't going to last, sooner or later Cecilia would do what I wanted and attack, it was inevitable.

I didn't like it, but I knew I had to for now, and sending the two into the Relictombs to master their aether abilities was alright with me. I didn't need to attack Epheotus yet, and I knew Virion or Arthur Leywin were too weak to do anything to me by themselves, that was clear at Virion's attempt to attack Vechor.

This was all that mattered, but I haven't been just sitting here working on this, I have my force in Dicathen preparing for battle. All those troops the Leywin brothers sent away to the Beast Glades, the millions of them, they were waiting to attack, or to come back, they didn't know what.

I grabbed the aether in the tube, I couldn't use it, I couldn't manipulate it, but Sylvie could. She was the key to everything, I might not be able to defeat Kezess in a fight, but I was a lot smarter than him. I will tear his Kingdom down, he will regret everything he has done, and the dragons will all be killed.

I looked to the side, the table there had a bunch of gathered mana materials on it. With what I have planned, I don't think there's a person on this planet who can defeat me. Time, phoenix magic, everything seems to be going according to my plan so far.

I nodded to myself, I did enough in here, and I needed to take a break. I got up and made my way to the door to leave, knowing that Melzri was on her way. She was going to fill me in on what had happened, she was there, in person, and also with Dragoth gone, I needed a right hand as there was no one else here.

I made my way down the hall, making my way back up the stairs, but as I reached them, I heard a voice, an annoying one, but what it said intrigued me. "Nico?" I turned my head to the opposite side of the dungeon hallway; it was where some of the prisoners were.

I started down the hall, and as I arrived in front of the one cell, the one in which I thought I heard the words come from, I smiled as I looked at the phoenix. "Now, why would you be saying Nico's name?" I smirked as I leaned against the cell. "Haha, this is quite interesting."

"Agrona." He said, looking me in the eyes, the phoenixes here were going to be killed soon, I was going to have Cecil absorb their mana. "I have nothing to say to you, get out of here." I just continued to smirk at the phoenix. "I didn't say anything."

"You said Nico, and that tells me that you were talking to him, and by the way you said his name, I have to say the two of you are friends." I spoke up, looking at him through the cell bars. "Now, you are going to talk to me about everything, I picked the perfect time to leave my lab."

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