Choose your Ruler

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Seris Vritra

I was sitting on my couch within the living room of my estate, alone, the only other person here was Fenyir. Rosa came and took Caera, but that has been the only contact I've had outside of here so far. She told me to stay put, and that someone was going to be coming soon, so I did.

I sent Cylrit into the city; to investigate, I should have kept him here though. He's going to be lost if someone arrives for me before he gets back. I figured he could inform me on the wellbeing of the people.

The shield array over Sehz-Clar was down, I didn't know what happened, one moment I remember fighting Kordri, but not being able to control my body, and the next I woke up to Rosa Leywin waking me up.

I didn't know what happened, I didn't even know how long I was out. Fenyir was with me in some sort of cell with mana collars on, well, Caera was too when they set us free. I didn't get an explanation, she just showed up, freed us, then left with my disciple. I couldn't do anything to stop it, I was still dizzy, and coming to my senses.

I was worried about Arthur, I hadn't seen him since he left for Aramoor, but I don't suspect anything happened to him. On the other hand, his brother, Virion, most likely has made either more advances towards conquering Alacrya, or has been pushed back. I didn't know yet, all my contacts outside of my estates had gone dark, which was most likely a very bad thing.

I needed to figure everything out, but I was going to start by talking to whoever showed up, if someone showed up. I didn't trust Rosa Leywin, she was Virion's child, there was no reason to, but I have to imagine that she wouldn't lie about something so stupid. Why tell me someone was going to show up? It would make no sense to lie about that.

"Scythe Seris." Fenyir said, rubbing her head as she stepped into the room. "Are you still having trouble thinking clearly?" She asked, and I felt bad for the maid who had been with me for years, a true fighter, someone I could rely on.

"I'm fine, Fenyir, please, take a seat." I motioned for her to sit across from me. "There's no reason for you to do anything right now, take a break, rest, and just gather yourself for a little." She made her way over to the seat, listening to my words as she sat down. "I'm just trying to figure out what the hell happened when we were out."

"When we were mind controlled?" Fenyir said, rubbing her head as she looked down at the ground. "I feel like my brain has been scrambled, I don't know what's going on, but I can't seem to gather myself."

"Deep breathes." I told her, I understood what she meant, at first, I couldn't even move, it hurt, but after a couple of deep breaths, I was able to regain my composure. "Someone is going to be showing up soon, I don't know who, but they most likely will be part of Virion's family."

"One of his children?" She asked, and I nodded as she continued to look down at the ground. "I have to believe you are right. I don't see who else could show up." Rosa was a child I met very, very briefly, I didn't know her like the other two I met, but I didn't trust her one bit. She seemed a little crazy, or self centered, same thing really.

"I don't either, it could be anybody." At those words, a portal opened up and I got to my feet, expecting to see either Ivy or some other child I knew, but it wasn't, it was a giant, it was Dragoth.

"Seris." He said in a serious tone of voice as he turned towards me, and the portal closed behind him. "I've come to talk to you, it's time you choose your ruler." I gave him a confused expression, not understanding what he was talking about. 

"What?" I said in a questionable tone, Fenyir was frozen in her seat, so I added. "Can you pull your aura back; I don't need my only maid struggling to breath because of you." Dragoth did as I said, and his aura disappeared. "Thank you."

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