Truacia Pt. IV

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Nithe Leywin

Raven and I have been traveling with our army for the last five days, heading towards Itri. We were going to arrive in the next couple hours, the plan, unknown, but I did get word from our father that it was no longer a necessity to mind slave them. 

When Raven heard this, she was ecstatic, she only wanted to kill from the star, and now, she could do anything she wanted. Her pack of hellhounds can tear through the flesh of any man that walks. The city of Itri was going to be nothing but blood and bones when we were finished.

Thirty thousand Lessers, mages, yet Lessers stood in our way. We were going to slaughter them all, and to be honest, I was happy about it. The whole plan got a lot easier, planning a way to mind slave that many without my father was going to be hard, but now we don't have to worry about it.

"Hahaha." Raven started laughing from my side, catching me off guard, and as I looked at her, she just gave me a confused look and asked. "What?" I just looked forward, ignoring her, she was obviously thinking about something, something related to kill people.

Mawar was behind us, walking alone, or I should say with Reapers to her side, not that they were talkative or anything, but they were there. She was acting strange, I didn't know why, but ever since we left for this trip, she's been off. I was going to ask why, but Raven was no help, and I knew that she would say something incorrect.

Mawar was under the mind slave spell, so technically I could program her to tell me, but I didn't want to screw anything up that my father did. I also didn't really care, Mawar was helping us, that was all that mattered to me. 

"How much longer?" Raven asked, looking at me.

"I'd say about three hours." As I said this, I could feel the annoyance radiating off of her, she was tired of walking and wanted to fight, which I understood, but she needed to learn patience. "Just prepare, this journey should set you on edge, this way when we get there, you can unleash hell upon them."

"Oh, I will." Raven said, nodding her head. "And I already got an idea on how to take this city down, if you are open for ideas, I'll tell you what I am thinking." She was battle hungry, but she was a strategist, a different kind of one than me, she was a little more dark and twisted.

"Of course." I said, willing to hear anything she had to say. "Mawar, come up here." I called out to the Retainer, she was the only other being here that could understand and participate in this conversation, so she should probably be up here.

As she approached, Raven and I waited, and when she arrived with us, Raven began to talk about her plan, her plan to slaughter every single being within the city. It was surrounded by walls, so it wasn't going to be easy, but I had to say, her plan was smart, and it worked for me.


After around three hours of talking and planning, we arrived outside the city, I was in front of our Hellspawn in the sky, numbering in the ten thousand. I overlooked and could see everything that was going to go down. 

The mages with the city spotted the force coming their way, and the thirty thousand men and women prepared for battle. They stood upon their walls, overlooking the army led by Raven, filled with Reapers. I could say without a doubt, even from here, I could feel the fear from the city.

As that army made their way directly towards the center to their defenses, a second and third army came from the sides, led by another Raven. The three armies made their way to the city gates, and as they got one hundred yards from it, spells lit the air. I watched as they travelled across the sky, heading towards the armies.

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