Etril Pt. IV

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(One Week later)

Virion Leywin

The videos were played all throughout the cities and towns of Etril, it was quite the show, the people seeing the Wraiths murder their own, their faces were exactly what I thought they were going to be. Now, did I think this was enough, of course not, I needed one more thing before I presented myself to the people of Etril as their rightful leader.

The plan worked in Vechor, troops were diverted there, and there are not as many now in Etril, a lot of their Wraiths were moved to protect the Dominion of Vechor. It was time to go to our next phase, a phase I added because of Arthur.

I know they are planning on killing the Sovereigns, however, he will go for the ones in Vechor or Truacia, not here, so I'll kill Sovereign Exeges. Arthur was still in Sehz-Clar, they were preparing, trying to figure out everything. I knew letting Seris help them was a calculated risk, but in the long run, it might be beneficial for Arthur and me.

If I presented the head of the Sovereign to the people, I'm sure they will bow down to me. It's a pretty big deal, killing him, but even if they don't, I'll end up hunting down all the Wraiths and half-breeds myself. There were no half-breeds over here, so it didn't matter to me at the moment.

I also learned that something was up with Agrona, he has been in a weird mood within the Caelum, but I don't know why. Melzri has been there, and I know that Wraiths are planning on attacking my parents, but I'll handle that. I wouldn't let anything happen to my family or Arthur's baby.

I was flying in the sky above an outpost, or well, I would say a mansion that Sovereign Exeges lived in. I think there were other vritras inside, like full blooded that were part of Exeges's family or clan, I didn't know. There were also one hundred Wraiths guarding the place, a defense put in place when I attacked Maerin.

Beside me in the sky flew my five children, the army in Maerin now numbered in the twenty thousand, filled with the different types of blood troops. It was hard getting them all here, but we were making progress without anyone knowing.

"Father." I turned to Damon. "We will take the Wraiths out; you go in and find the Sovereign." I nodded, that was the plan, and as I flew up there with my children, I realized this was the first time I had been with all five at once. I had clones take Nithe and Raven's spot, I needed them here, and without Cecilia in Alacrya, I didn't need to protect Sehz-Clar as much, and with Arthur there, it was perfect timing.

"Yeah, we'll wipe them out." Ivy said, flying on my right side. "There won't be a Wraith left to tell the tale, haha, this is going to be so much fun." I nodded to myself as she spoke, I didn't know how much fun this was going to be, but killing a Sovereign is a big deal.

"The one I killed was really into me, I don't know why you don't just send me in again to kill this one." Raven said, looking at me with a smile on her face. "I would love to behead another Sovereign; it would be an honor." I forgot she killed Kiros, she was surprisingly very good with her illusions, I didn't even know if she was here right now, that's how good.

"No, I got it this time." I told her, smiling back. "Not that I don't think you can do it, I just want to get the job done." She nodded, and I cracked my neck, then flung my hand forward slightly. "Go ahead." My five children shot forward, vanishing from my sight, and in an instance, they were on the ground, in front of a Wraith unit, attacking.

I just watched for a second as an explosion of spells went off, causing a smile to form on my face by the sudden pressure change, and my body lit up as I activated my Beast Will. 'Let's go.' Hades thought to me, and I nodded, and then vanished in the sky.

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