Trying to Heal the Devil

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(One Week Later)

Tessia Eralith

I was feeling pretty good this morning, I normally feel nauseous or sick, but I'm good right now which was nice. I was sitting in the living room of the Helstea mansion with Kathyln and Alice, they joined me shortly after I got up this morning.

It's been a week now since Arthur and the others went into the Relictombs, and since their departure, I've been looking after Veer for Arthur, making sure he seemed okay. Kathyln was helping, not because I asked, but she clearly has a little crush on Arhtur's brother. She didn't know about anything else, or maybe she did, but we didn't talk about that.

Virion was still in his room when I walked past his door, Damon was not, but I believe he was at the academy, making sure none of the prisoners escaped, Viessa and Draneeve. I was actually somewhat surprised that Virion wasn't up yet, but maybe he was, and he was just sitting in bed thinking to himself or communicating with his other children.

"So, Tessia, how are you feeling?" Alice asked, who I guess was now my mother in law, which brought a smile to my face as I thought about it. "I know the morning always sucked when I was pregnant with Ellie."

"I actually didn't feel too bad this morning." I told her, I was sitting on the one seat couch, same with Kathyln, Alice was sitting on the larger couch alone. "But I'll admit, with everything going on, I've been stressing a lot, and I've been anxious."

"Oh, don't worry, Tess." Alice said to me with a smile on her face. "You don't have to worry about Arthur, he will come back, you know that, he always does." I nodded, knowing that was true, no matter what, he always comes back, but that wasn't what I meant.

"I know, but I'm worried about the whole process of being a mother, I, I don't know how to handle it all." I said, looking from Alice to Kathyln, then back to Alice. "Or what if I lose the baby? Would Arthur be mad? Would he leave me?" I felt an ache in my chest, more of a mix of different emotions currently running through me.

"Honey, trust me, Arthur will never leave, he loves you, I've seen it firsthand." Alice assured me, and I nodded my head. "And worrying about the process of having a baby is a normal thing, but it will all be okay, and your baby will be loved by all of us." This made me smile and feel a lot better.

"Thanks, Alice." I said, smiling at her. "I needed to hear that." My mind went to what Adam asked Arthur on our wedding day, I overheard them talking, I actually didn't know what my baby was going to be, a dragon or an elf, or possibly both, but then again, it didn't matter to me.

Our attention then turned to the doorway as Veer appeared, stretching his arms out like he had just woken up. "Good morning, sweetie." Alice said to her youngest child as he stepped further into the room. "How did you sleep?"

"Amazing." Veer said, getting closer to his mom, then as he sat down and sprawled out across her his horns hung off her legs as his head rested on his mother's lap. "Tell me we are doing something interesting today, I've been so bored lately."

"Hahaha." We laughed at Veer as he laid there nonchalantly. "Veer, this is all we can do while your brother is gone." His mother told him, and I could see an annoyed expression form on his face, this was why Arthur asked me to keep an eye on him. "If you are looking for a fight, which I don't want to see, but why not spar with Damon?"

Before Veer could respond, I looked at Kathyln, then spoke up towards Veer. "Hey, Veer, why not come with Kathyln and I into the city, I'm sure the people would love to see you walking around with them." I was trying to get Veer to do something that wasn't fighting, I understood Alice's suggestion, trying to make Veer happy, but right now I wasn't worried about what normally makes him happy.

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