Attack on Vildorial Pt. II

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"The Devil of Dicathen, Prince of Darkness, he truly lives up to his name." A girl said from behind me, I turned and met her eyes, then turned to another, they were all staring at me. "We know you two are no Lessers, you have asuran blood infused in you, and after everything you have done, we know not to take you lightly."

"Good." I said, cracking my neck, then pushed even more of my aura out, leaving nothing behind, then snarled at the twenty Wraiths, causing them all to look away from me. "Who gave you all permission to look me in the eyes?" They all flinched again, then I added. "Know your place."

I gave Arthur a look, then launched myself at the Wraith in front of me, a void sword appeared in my hand. I felt mana start to course through them all, and I dug into the ten cores in front of me, and canceled out their magic for a split second, and in that split second, the Wraith I was heading towards looked up at me in horror, knowing that a shield was not going to be conjured in time.

He couldn't use his magic as well, and in that second, his head was on the ground, a Wraith had already died, and their magic returned back to them as I stood over his body. I couldn't control all twenty Wraith's cores, but if I play it like I want, I should be able to fight some of them while their cores are under my control.

"Dawn!" A Wraith screamed, a void wind blade shot at me, but was dispersed as a wall of wind collected it. "Attack!" They shouted, and that's when the nineteen Wraiths shot at us, Arthur was still in the middle, I was on the outside, the nine closest to me came my way, and the others went to Arthur.

I started shooting myself around, I noticed Arthur's black scale armor appear, and as the nine followed me on the outside of the cavern, I was forced into dodging attacks. Arthur and Regis were fighting in the middle, but I couldn't watch, I had my own business to take care of.

I planted my feet, spun around, and faced the nine Wraiths heading my way, a vine was conjured out of the ground, attempting to grab me, but was burnt away as I pushed my blue fire onto it, then other spells got closer as the Wraiths got closer.

I was faced with electric bolts, earth shards, spikes, acid, and ice, but having control over every element made it easy for me to counter each attack. I blocked each spell, then a sword came down on me, I dodged it, then dodged an ax, then another bolt of electricity.

I slit the chest of a Wraith, back stepped another blade, swatted an ax down, then conjured my own acidic vines that shot through the air, but were met by an ice spell that froze them. These Wraiths had a lot of different elements, it doesn't seem like either of them are alike.

A shield appeared as my blade was about to kill another Wraith, and I snapped my head toward the Wraith that casted it, but was met with an ax that cut my face as I turned my attention away from him for a split second, these Wraiths were different, they knew what they were doing, not that the others didn't, but I could tell the difference.

Ehh, I don't have to hold back, let's not forget, there is no Legacy here, and no one I need to keep alive. It's just me and the Wraiths, that is all, so I can just let loose and kill them all as fast as I can, it should be fun.

I spun, deflected an ice spell away with my sword, parried the ax wielder that came for me again, and I pictured the shield user in my mind, I knew where and who he was now. I knew there was another among them, but I held the core of the shield user hostage, he was just moving around now, unable to use mana externally.

The ground below me started to shift, but I used my earth magic to keep it steady, then an ax and a poisonous sword came close to hitting me, but I liquified the areas before any damage could be done. The Wraith with the ax passed through me, and as he did, I grabbed the back of his robe, and pulled him back to me.

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