War with the Gods

273 21 4

(One Week later)

Raven Leywin

I was walking down a street within Vechor, I wasn't in a city or anything, but a base with half-breeds and humans in it. We were still offering the serum to people that wanted it, their family, all families were being treated the same though. If you wanted to stay out of the battle you could, but if you wanted to fight, you had to become a half-breed to stand the slightest chance. 

I had the other half-breeds giving out the serum, there were medical tents all around the base where humans laid waiting for their transformation. I was just put in charge of making sure it was running smoothly. 

I was just happy that I was in Vechor, and not one of the other Dominions where nothing interesting is happening. I wasn't talking much to these Lesser creatures, the only person here that intrigues me is Dragoth. 

He doesn't intrigue me, but he is not as much of a Lesser than these fuckers. He was helping out with the serum as well, doing more than I was, but I was still helping out where I could. I just didn't like being around them for too long.

The battle with the Leviathans, well, we have to be in Epheotus in two weeks, I don't know if the battle is going to start then. I doubt it, we will have to travel, prepare, all of that, so I would say the real battle was going to begin in there.

"Sovereign Raven." Some half-breed said my name and as I turned to him, he flinched. "The east wing is currently out of the serums with ten people left in line." He told me. "Are we allowed to borrow some from the west?"

"Go ahead." I waved it off, then started walking as he nodded and did as I said or approved. I was heading to see Echeron, a weird looking Retainer, he wasn't mind slaved, but was following Dragoth, most likely because he thinks Dragoth chose to serve Virion willingly.

I turned into a tent and as I did, a voice came my way. "Did someone give you permission to come in here?" Echeron asked, not looking at me, but as he did, and I stopped in the center of his tent, his eyes widened. "Sovereign Raven, I'm sorry, your presence was so hidden, I couldn't even sense it was you."

"That's the point." I told him, I didn't have a mana signature, so no one could sense me. "Echeron, the High Sovereign wants to meet you." I told him, and his eyes widened. "He's meeting all the new Retainers, and since the new ones are stronger than the last, he wants to make sure you live up to the standards."

"Of course, I am honored he wants to meet, I never saw him before, even while he was our enemy." Echeron said, and I shrugged, I wasn't sensing much from him. "When?" A portal opened up behind me, and I motioned towards it.



Nithe Leywin

I was standing in Truacia, the blood troops were in formation, the millions of them ready for battle. They didn't need food or water, so they could just stand there and do nothing, they do observe their surroundings, but that was pretty much it.

I wish I was in Vechor, that would have been a better Dominion to control. There were only two cities in Truacia that we restored with humans or half-breeds. Those cities were Itri and Saluamatu, two cities Raven and I took a while back, they are nice, more Itri than the other. I would say there were about fifty thousand people in both now, which are pretty high numbers compared to the zero that were here about a month ago.

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