He's Your Brother And He Walks In On You And One Of The Other Boys

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Ashton: "Fuck Luke" you whine, throwing your head back as you ride him slowly, your hands braced on his chest. He has just come back from a four month tour, and the two of you don't even make it to the bedroom. Sprawled on the kitchen floor, you watch him bite his lip, suppressing a moan as his hands grip your thighs, bucking up into you. "Faster baby" he growls, sweat beading on his forehead, hungry for as much of you as he can get. You can tell Luke is close, and you are so focused on pleasuring him that you don't hear the jangle of keys in the lock. "Fuck" Luke moans, his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw falling slack as you clench around him. You are so caught up in each other that you don't hear the footsteps coming towards the kitchen, and so your heart stops for a second when you open your eyes to see your older brother gaping at the two of you in the doorway. "Ashton" you blurt, both of you frozen. Luke sits up immediately and Ashton's eyes bug out of his head at the sight of his band mate beneath you. "Get. Out. Of. My. Sister" he says through gritted teeth "before I stick your cock in the blender" he adds, his voice trembling with fury. You scramble to dress yourselves, throwing on your clothes in a haphazard panic. "Don't kill me Ash-" "get the fuck out of my house Luke" Ashton snarls, veins pulsing along his neck. Luke glances at you before grabbing his belt and dashing out, leaving you with your fuming brother.

Michael: "I told you not to wear that dress to the club" Calum snaps, following you into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. "Oh get over it already. You're being such a baby." You say in your most patronizing voice, leaning over to untie your heels. Calum rolls his eyes "every man in there was eye fucking you" he growls, his voice growing louder, "and...so what's your point?" You ask, your voice mocking. Calum scoffs, running his fingers through his hair in exasperation "you're my fucking girl (Y/N)" he yells, you raise your brows "okay. Doesn't mean you can control me" you snap, Calum sighs and steps closer to you. "Why do you have to fight with me on everything? Huh?" He mutters, his tongue darting over his plump lips. You smirk and turn away from him, unzipping your dress and letting it pool around your feet "because you're not the boss of me" you taunt. You hear Calum take in a sharp breath, his hands moving to your hips "is that so?" He murmurs, his voice thick with lust. You nod and he chuckles, moving closer so you can feel his erection against your ass "Do you want me to make you beg?" He whispers, his breath hot against your ear, you shudder and he smirks, spinning you round and pushing you down on the bed. You watch, entranced, as Calum unbuckles his belt and crawls on top of you, leaving a trail of hot kisses up your body. Suddenly your bedroom door flies open and your brother Michael stalks in "Can you guys not fuck right now? I'm trying to sleep in the next room and all you two ever do is fight and fuck, and I really don't need your headboard banging against my wall all night, so can you just shut the fuck up" he groans, rubbing his eyes. "Uhh...sure mate" Calum says slowly, both of you frozen. "Thank you" Michael grumbles sarcastically as he leaves. Calum sighs, rolling onto the other side of the bed "fucking cock block" he mutters, rubbing his temples in frustration  "glad I could be of service" your brother yells through the wall.

Luke: You look up innocently at Michael as a deep groan falls from his lips, his fingers tangling in your hair as you suck him off. "Fucking hell" he whines, biting his lip hard as he bucks his hips, hushed curses falling from his lips. You can tell from the way his eyes roll back in his head that he's close, and you moan, running your tongue along the underside of Michael's shaft. His mouth falls open and you feel him jerk, pushing himself down your throat as his orgasm leaves him quaking. "What the fuck (Y/N)?!" your brothers familiar voice strikes panic in your heart, you spin around and face him, Michael's cum dribbling down your chin. "L-Luke what are you doing home?" You stammer "what are you doing with Michael's cock down your throat?!" Luke counters, his face flushed with anger. "I'm just gonna leave" Michael says tentatively, pulling up his boxers "yeah you better do that before I strangle you" Luke snarls, glaring at his band mate "and get off your knees (Y/N), and clean your mouth for fucks sake" he adds, his face contorted in disgust.

Calum: "I need to taste you" Ashton whispers, a smile tugging at his lips as you blush "but you can't make a sound. Okay baby?" He hums, pressing his lips to yours. You nod, your breath hitching as he runs his thumb across your lip "not a sound" he repeats, grinning at you in the moonlight before moving down your bed so he is lying between your legs, his soft mouth nipping at your thigh. "So wet" He murmurs, trailing his fingers over your thin panties before pushing them down to your knees. You bite your lip as he lowers his mouth to envelop you, his tongue delving between your dripping folds. A small whine slips from your lips, and you tangle your fingers in his curls as he pushes two long fingers into you. He chuckles, his lips wrapping around your clit, and the vibration makes you gasp. "Fuck Ashton!" you blurt, pushing your head back into your pillow. "Shhh" he hums against you, making you cry out his name. "What are you still doing up?" your brother yawns, stepping into your room, you squeal and scramble for your panties. Ashton looks up, his mouth slick with your juices, Calum gapes at the two of you, not really believing his eyes. "Cal, I can explain" Ashton starts "really? You can explain to me, right now, why you are in my sister's bedroom at four am, eating her out? Can you really explain? Cause if you can go right ahead, I'm all ears." Calum snaps "o-okay I can't explain, but-" "just get out Ash, I can't deal with this right now. Just go before I lose it" Calum growls.

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