Mood Swings (His P.O.V)

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Calum: "Just a sip Cal?" she whines, pouting up at me "no baby girl, I told you" I sigh, moving the can of beer out of her reach "please?" she whimpers, her eyes wide, I shake my head "(Y/N) alcohol isn't good for the baby" "just a t-tiny little sip? It isn't going to h-hurt him" she has tears in her eyes and her lip wobbles, I sigh and take her hand in mine, but she yanks it back and turns away from me, sniffing "oh come on darling, I just don't want our son getting hurt" I murmur, I shift closer to her and lay my hand on her belly, stroking it gently "I'm just protecting our little man" she doesn't move away, but she's still ignoring me, I pull her into my lap and press my lips to the nape of her neck, my hands moving beneath her top to rub soothing circles on her stomach "I'm s-s-so tired of be-being told what I c-ca-can and can't d-do" she hiccups, tears streaming down her face "I know it must be frustrating kitten, but while you're pregnant there has to be boundaries, you understand that don't you?" I whisper, nuzzling my face against the crook of her neck "yeah" she croaks, leaning back against my chest and letting out a shaky  breath, she turns onto her side, snuggling closer to me, her watery eyes meet mine and my heart hurts from seeing her sad, I make a funny face at her and she immediately bursts out laughing, I smile, happy that I can make her happy.

Michael: "Michael Gordon Clifford!" I cringe, knowing I'm in deep shit "yes my love?" I say sweetly, trying to charm my way out "oh shut it" (Y/N) growls, stalking into the room, she has her arms folded over her chest and she is glaring daggers at me "I have told you a million fucking times, put the toilet seat back down when you're done! What is it with you fucking men?!" She yells, I know its the hormones that make her like this "I'm sorry baby, I just f-" "forgot? Again?" She spits, I bite my lip "I said I'm sorry" I murmur, standing up and resting my hands on her hips "forgive me?" I give her a puppy dog face, and she sighs "I shouldn't have yelled at you, I'm sorry" she whispers, tears forming in her eyes "no, baby, shh it's fine, I don't mind okay? It's fine" I wipe her cheeks and kiss her softly, rubbing my thumb over the side of her bump.

Luke: "Baby girl what's wrong?" I ask gently, wrapping my arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, she buries her face in my chest, sobbing "please tell me sweet pea" I beg, rubbing my hand over her back, she sniffles, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself "I just-I really-really w-want pie" she croaks, pointing to a picture of pie in one of her magazines "oh sweet pea, you had me so scared" I laugh, gently kissing her, resting my hands on her bump, she starts crying harder "b-but I want p-pie Luke!" She says desperately "right of course, I'm sorry. Well I'm going grocery shopping in a minute, and I could swing by that bakery and get you any pie you like yeah? How's that sound?" I press soft kisses to the side of her neck, nipping at her ear "th-thanks Luke" she sniffs, smiling radiantly "so what do you want? Apple like usual?" I chuckle, she makes a face and shakes her head "I'm craving rhubarb" she admits "what? You hate rhubarb" "it's your son Hemmings, he's forcing me" she giggles, I smile at her words and rub her belly "you want rhubarb little man?" I chuckle, kissing her bellybutton "he's dying for some rhubarb pie, and he thinks you'd be the best daddy in the whole world if you got the pie really quick" (Y/N) grins, kissing me one last time before pushing me towards the door.

Ashton: I look up as (Y/N) comes waddling down the stairs, rubbing her eyes and yawning "good afternoon baby" I chuckle, pressing my lips to her forehead "afternoon?" She mumbles, a little disorientated as she stumbles around the kitchen, bumping into the counter "oops c'mere love" I chuckle, wrapping my arm around her waist "you slept in today and I didn't want to wake you" I smooth her hair out of her face gently and help her sit down "what's-what's the time?" She yawns, raising my coffee mug to her lips "ah ah ah, too much caffeine in that" I chuckle, prising it from her fingers "and it's three in the afternoon" suddenly she's wide awake and on her feet "what?! Ash what the fuck?! Why didn't you wake me?! You know 'House Of DVF' is on at twelve! Ashton!" She is frantic, running into the living room and flicking on the tv, she groans, throwing the remote down on the carpet "Ashton! You're such a dick!" She screams, kicking me in the shins "ow fuck! Hey sweetie look shh, look it's okay, it's fine. Relax babe!" I plead, dodging her hits, suddenly she stops and bursts into tears "I missed the l-last epi-episode" she hiccups, I gently wrap my arms around her, rubbing the side of her bump and kissing her temple "we'll download it online okay? And we'll watch together yeah?" I chuckle, sitting on the couch and pulling her on my lap.

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