His Parents/Siblings Walk In On You (Pt 1)

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Michael: "Shit baby, faster, I wanna see you fuck yourself on me" Michael grunts, gripping your hips tightly, you brace your hands on his sweaty chest, swivelling your hips, but as you hit your orgasm, your body grows weak and you fall forwards onto Michael's chest, your hips still lifting and dropping onto his thick length, but your breasts pressed firmly to his chest, he chuckles, cupping your ass and helping you to keep the rhythm "holy Christ!" Both your heads snap up in time to see Michael's mother rushing out of the room "oh my god, she's a walking, talking cockblock" Michael mumbles, you sigh and roll off him, your whole face tinged red "oh come on babe, I need to finish" he whines, you glare at him "really? Your mum just saw as having sex and you're worried about finishing?" He nods, pouting "well you jerk yourself off then" you snap, he groans, throwing his head back "please babe just help me out, I'll be one minute, tops" he begs, you roll your eyes but take him in your hand, pumping him and getting him off in a matter of seconds, he smiles contentedly "are you decent?" His mother yells through the door, making his smile instantly morph into a scowl "no mom, jesus!" He yells.

Ashton: "Dammit (Y/N) stop fucking teasing me" Ashton groans, tangling his hand in your hair and forcing you down on him, you moan on him, making him clench his jaw and throw his head back, trying to keep his noises down, he snaps his hips up, hitting the back of your throat "fuck" he breathes, shaking his head stiffly as he twitches in your mouth, trembling as he hits his orgasm "j-just like th-that baby girl, I love it wh-when you suck daddy j-just like tha-" he is cut off by a scream from the doorway and then the sound of the door being slammed "oh shit" he pants as you come up, he screws his eyes shut, shaking his head "fuck fuck fuck me" he groans, rubbing his temples slowly "who was that?" You ask, Ashton cringes and covers his face with his hands "Lauren" he mumbles, his cheeks flushing "Lauren as in...Lauren? Your sister?" You gulp, he nods, peeking through his fingers at you, you bite your lip, and giggle "(Y/N) don't laugh! I'm the one who's gonna have to go talk to her now!" Ashton whines, standing up and tugging on sweatpants and a t-shirt "well I told you to lock the door!" You laugh, kissing him gently "I better go make sure she's okay" he sighs, biting his lip nervously.

Calum: "Mm baby girl you're so tight" Calum mutters, he has you on all fours on the living room couch, his fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you back roughly "Cal" you whimper, pushing yourself back on his thick member, he groans, his arm curling around your waist to rub your clit, you gasp, digging your nails into one of the couch cushions, your eyes screwed shut "oh bloody hell" an all too familiar voice yells, you scream and in the shock of the moment you feel Calum release inside you, you jump off the couch, as Calum's father hurries out of the room "what the fuck dad?! People knock for a reason!" Calum yells, he sighs and turns back to you "I forgot to pull out" he says quietly, you nod, your eyes wide "Cal what if I get pregnant?" "You won't okay? We'll get you some of those day after pills or something...I can't fucking believe that just happened" he ducks his head, his ears turning red.

Luke: "Luke I-I-fuck Luke" you whimper, tugging on Luke's hair as his mouth works on you, nipping your clit and tongue fucking you "pussy tastes so good baby" he mutters, you moan and he rubs your thigh gently "shh baby, remember my parents are downstairs" he chuckles, you throw your head back, biting your tongue as you near your orgasm, suddenly the door flies open and someone appears in the doorway, you can't see because your vision is so hazy, the person groans and Luke jumps to cover you up with the bedsheets "jesus Jack fucking knock maybe?!" Luke yelps, glaring at his older brother, suddenly Ben appears as well, both he and Jack laughing loudly "little Lukey isn't a virgin anymore" Ben cooes "fuck off you guys" Luke grumbles, his face flushing bright red "aw Luke we're proud of you!" Jack teases, grinning as Luke groans "go away" Luke whines, shoving Ben off as he tries to give him a noogie "alright alright, we can tell when we aren't welcome, mom just said to tell you the food's ready" Ben chuckles "although we can see you've already eaten Lucas" Jack adds, sniggering as they leave you alone again.

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