He Cheats On You (Pt 2)

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Luke: Shocked, you grip the kitchen counter, your body swaying, you can hear Luke arguing with the mistress and you hear the front door slam. "Baby? Hey baby girl" you feel Luke's arms snake around your waist, his warm breath against your cheek, you want to melt into him and enjoy the moment, enjoy his warmth and love. But his bare chest smells of her perfume. All you can think about is his arms around her, you close your eyes and you see him holding her the way he holds you, you see them cuddled up in bed, the bed you sleep in every night. "Let me go Luke" you croak, he shakes his head, his grip tightening "I can't, I can't!  You'll leave me! (Y/N) please you can't leave me! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" He begs, his blue eyes are wide, panicky "Luke I said let me go! I can't stay here, not with you" you are able to yank out of Luke's grip and stagger away, but he corners you, backing you up to the wall "you can't! Baby please you aren't thinking straight!" You shake your head, tears pouring down your cheeks "please Luke" you sob, he drops onto his knees, taking your hands in his "I love you! (Y/N) I am so in love with you it hurts! I don't-I don't know why I did it-(Y/N) please trust me!" He has tears pooling in his eyes, and for a second you want to trust him "trust you?" You spit, he bows his head, not daring to meet your eyes "if you love me so much-you'll let me go Luke" you sniff, he hesitates for a second, his shoulders quivering, but you feel his hands slip from yours, he slumps back against the wall, covering his face with his hands. Shakily you make your way to the door "promise me one thing (Y/N)" Luke's voice cracks, you turn to face him slowly "find yourself a man who'll treat you right" he pleads, you nod before turning your back and walking out.

Michael: "Cheating on your pregnant girlfriend? That's low Michael. Even for you" you wipe your eyes, sighing as Michael grabs your wrist "(Y/N) I was drunk, and she threw herself at me, she didn't mean anything to me! I've just...ever since you got pregnant-we-we've had a bit of a dry spell! " he defends, pulling you next to him on the couch "yeah because I'm in constant pain because you knocked me up!" You snap, he bites his lip, ducking his head "I'm sorry (Y/N), I really really am, I love you. I love you and our son more than anything in the world" Michael wraps his arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your temple "Michael...I don't know if I can forgive you for this" you whisper, he freezes "what? (Y/N), baby no you have to! Please! We can overcome this!" He begs, you shake your head "I don't want my son-" "our son (Y/N)! He's our son and you can't take him away from me! I made one  mistake! (Y/N) you can't do this to me! You two are all I have" his green eyes are swimming with tears as he begs you "one chance Michael. You have just one more chance" you croak, he sighs in relief, scooping you into his arms and kissing all over your face "I love you" he murmurs.

Calum: "We all make mistakes baby!" Calum begs, following you up the stairs "and mine was to fucking trust you!" You scream, storming into the bedroom and slamming the door in his face and locking it, he sighs, rattling the door handle "(Y/N) please! How can we talk if you shut me out!" "I don't ever want to see your face again you lying cheating bastard!" You slide down the door, hugging your knees to your chest and sobbing, on the other side Calum sits the same way, his back pressed against the door and his knees drawn up to his chest "baby I know what I did was terrible, and you don't ever have to forgive me, just...let me talk to you" he pleads, slowly you stand up and open the door halfway, Calum sidles in, his soft brown eyes watching you "if you didn't love me anymore you could have had the decency to break it off first. Or do you just enjoy controlling me-like a-a little puppet?" You sniff, his eyebrows furrow and he clenches his jaw "(Y/N) I still love you! How could you say-say I don't?!" He demands, crossing his arms over his chest "and when in this relationship have I ever 'controlled you'?" He snaps, you can see he's starting to get angry "(Y/N) I'm trying my hardest to fix what I've done, why can't you meet me halfway?" He raises his hand and you whimper, flinching away, but seconds later you realize he was running his hand through his hair "baby you-you thought I was going to-to hit you?" His eyes are wide and swimming with tears "you-you never would have done that before!" He croaks, sitting down heavily, his head in his hands "I've hurt you, I've really hurt you...oh god you're afraid of me, I love you so much baby" his voice cracks and he turns his face away so you don't see him cry "somebody once told me that if you can make a man laugh he likes you, but if you can make him cry...he loves you with all his heart" you murmur, sitting next to Calum, he raises his head, tears streaming down his face "what are you saying?" He asks softly "I'm saying that I can forgive you Calum, not right away, but over time" he stares at you incredulously "please tell me I can kiss you" he begs, you nod and he presses his lip to yours hungrily "thank you" he whispers.

Ashton: "Baby I'm so-" "don't fucking call me that!" You snarl, glaring at Ashton "don't be like that" he begs, reaching for your hand, you wrench it from his grip, picking up your pace, he is walking a few feet behind you like a guilty puppy "leave me alone Ashton I don't want to talk to you" you snap, trying your hardest not to cry, but you can already feel the tears gathering in your eyes "babe-(Y/N), I'm sorry, it was a stupid mistake and I regret it so much, and I'm so sorry you had to find out like that but baby-(Y/N), can't I please have another chance? Please?" he jogs up to you and spins you around, holding you firmly by your shoulders "I'm tired of being everybody's second choice Ashton, I really thought you had picked me. I thought that someone had finally picked me. I guess I'm just that delusional" your voice cracks and you squeeze your eyes shut, sobbing softly as Ashton envelopes you in his arms "its always been you (Y/N), I love you. You're a first choice okay? Don't let anyone tell you you aren't" he speaks softly, kissing your forehead "no Ash, you picked her over me...I'm sorry, I love you but I just can't-can't do this" you choke, pushing him away and taking off down the street.

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