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Luke: "No (Y/N), for the last time, no! You can't go to that party, and that is final!" your older brother snaps, running a hand through his hair "but Luke, why not?" you whine "because you're fifteen (Y/N), because there are going to be lots of guys there, because you dress like you're twenty, because you're irresponsible and because I said no" he states

"Luke you're not being fair! You went to parties all the time when you were my age" you huff "that's different and you know it, I'm a guy" he mutters, you groan and flop onto your bed "but all my friends are going!" you pout, Luke rolls his eyes "that's because they've got irresponsible big brothers" he says in a 'duh' tone

"oh for godsake Luke! You're so overprotective" you snap "I'm not being overprotective, I just don't want a group of horny highschool boys humping my baby sister!" he cries "but I'm not a baby anymore Luke!" you mutter "look (Y/N) I said you're not going and that's that" he says firmly.

Calum: "I just don't think you should go to that club with Sara and Aileese wearing that dress" Calum mutters "but their my best friends, and it's Aileese's birthday" you exclaim

"I know but, Sara is a bit of a bad influence, in my opinion, she'll get you all to drink too much and god knows what'll happen" he states "you sound like my father or something" you say warily "I'm just saying it's not a good idea" he mumbles

"you're really overprotective you know?" you giggle "not overprotective, more like I'm watching out for you" he grins, pressing his lips to yours.

Michael: "Dad, how come I can't go over to Ian's house?" your seventeen year old daughter asks "because I don't know what kinds of things you two will be up to, you'll probably come home pregnant!" Michael exclaims "dad Ian's gay!" Annabelle cries

"I bet that's just a cover up, to get closer to you" Michael mutters "he has a boyfriend" she snaps "that's a beard" he states "You are so overprotective!" Annabelle yells, stomping up the stairs "am I overprotective?" Michael mumbles "yupp, but that's none of my business" you nod, taking a sip of your coffee.

Ashton: "Just um, don't let go of my arm okay, like just hold on real tight babe okay?" Ashton mumbles as you pull up to the airport "yes Ash" you chuckle "you swear you won't let go?" he asks "I swear" you reply

"and if we get separated you promise you'll call?" he murmurs "yes Ash I promise" you giggle "is your phone working?" he asks "yes Ash, jeez, you're so overprotective, you don't need to baby me I'll be fine" you laugh

"okay...I just want to make sure you're alright, I'll stop babying you...are you sure your phone's working though?" he mumbles, you roll your eyes and kiss him gently "yes my phone is working Ashton" you smirk.

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