He Gets Ill/Hurt And Can't Perform

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Michael: You are woken up by Michael coughing loudly, his body is trembling, and you can hear his breath rattling in his chest "Michael" you whisper, he glances up at you and sniffles

"I didn't want to wake you up" he croaks, looking guilty "hey don't worry about that, I'm glad you did anyways" you murmur, moving closer to him "no go away! I don't want to infect you" he insists, his voice muffled and scratchy

"What's wrong with you?" You ask, ignoring his warning and laying your hand on his bare chest "nothing" he grumbles, his chest trembles with every strained breath and his skin is cold and clammy

"There is something wrong with you, you've got a really bad cough or something...where does it hurt?" You ask "...everywhere" Michael sighs, closing his bloodshot eyes

"We need to get you to a hospital...or...yes I'll call my friend Shannon, she's a doctor!" You exclaim. So ten minutes after calling Shannon, she arrives at your front door "Shannon, thank god you're here! Michael is sick" you fret, leading her up the stairs

After examining his breathing, his throat and his temperature she nods and writes down a prescription for you "Michael, you're suffering from laryngitis, the inflammation of your larynx, I've prescribed you a course of antibiotics, and you should be feeling better in a week or two" she smiles, packing her things up

"But-but I need to be better now, I have to perform in two days!" Michael protests "yeah...no, you need to rest your voice, that means no talking, no yelling, and especially no singing, for at least a week" Shannon says firmly

"But I have to perform!" He pleads "I'm afraid that if you do, you might lose your voice for a bit, and then you'd have to take vocal rest for another month or so and it'd all be very complicated and I'm sure you wouldn't like that" she explains

Michael glares at his lap and mumbles under his breath, causing him to have another coughing fit "I would recommend lots of sleep, warm lemon water, and a spoonful of honey, that should help soothe your throat" she grins, standing up, she kisses your cheek and ruffles Michael's hair

"My shift starts soon, so I better be off" she chirps and with that she's gone, Michael grunts and points the middle finger at the doorway where she stood, still very upset at the prospect of not performing for a week or two "oh Michael, she's only doing her job" you giggle, climbing into bed and lying back down.

Luke: You watch as the boys have a band rehearsal, goofing around and laughing, Luke takes a gulp of water and wipes his face with a towel, walking backwards at the same time, suddenly he yelps and he's sprawled out on his back, his wrist sticking out at an odd angle as he clutches his side with his other arm

You scream and run to his side where all the other boys are huddled, you push through them and crouch by Luke's head "oh god, are you okay?!" You cry, his jaw is clenched hard and there are beads of sweat on his forehead

He shakes his head stiffly "tripped on-on the wire...think I-I broke a rib" he chokes, laying his head back on the floor and groaning, minutes later, after calling the hospital, paramedics come barging in and Luke is hoisted onto a strecher and taken to hospital.

You and the boys are not allowed to see him, because you're 'not family', but three days later, you are finally allowed in "Luke" you cry, grabbing his hand, he smiles wearily and kisses the back of your hand "I missed you babe" he murmurs

"I missed you too" you whimper, and kiss him softly "ahem, we're still here" Calum chuckles from the doorway, you blush and pull away "you're just jealous that I get more action than you even when I'm in hospital" Luke smirks

"Ooh he got ya Cal!" Michael laughs "but anyway mate, what did the doctors say? What have they been doing to you in here? And when will you be better?" Ashton asks

"Well I sprained my wrist, and broke three ribs, and they had to cut me open and fix that up, and it all hurt like hell, it's like bloody torture being here, but they say I should be good to go in a month or two...which means I can't perform...I'm really sorry guys" Luke says quietly

They all groan "trust Luke to trip over a wire in practice" Calum laughs, punching Luke in the arm playfully "well, I guess we'll have to cancel a few shows, but we'll manage...get well soon you little shit, we miss you" Michael chuckles

Luke grins and nods, squeezing your hand lightly, you glance at him and his blue eyes sparkle "c'mon, I need a smile from my girl" he whispers, you giggle and smile widely, giving him a passionate kiss "still here you two" Calum protests "mm fuck off Cal" Luke mumbles against your lips.

Ashton: You slam your car door shut and walk into the studio, still mad at Ashton from your argument in the car, a minute later Ashton comes in slowly, one hand clutched to his chest and blood seeping through his fingers

"What the?!" You exclaim, he looks down and it's as if he's seeing the wound for the first time "oh fuck" he mumbles "what happened to you?!" You squawk, taking his bloody hand in yours, two of the fingers are bent back in an unnatural way, and one of the fingernails has been ripped right off

"I-I wasn't looking, and I...I slammed the car door on my hand...and I pulled it out" he stammers, still staring at his hand blankly "why didn't you open the door?" You snap "I-I...I panicked" he mumbles "well doesn't it hurt?!" You screech, he shrugs "a bit" he mutters

"Oh jesus Ashton! We need to get you to the emergency room or something!" You yell, tugging him back towards the car "will they tell me I won't be able to drum?" He asks "I don't know probably yes" you snap "then...I don't wanna go" he whines, you stare at him for a second and then shake your head "just get in the fucking car Ashton" you snap.

Calum: "Can I please have tea?" Calum mumbles, his voice hoarse and muffled by blankets, he coughs again, weakly, his shoulders trembling with the effort

"Of course, and the doctor will be here in a minute okay babe?" You say softly, stroking his cheek, he nods, coughing again lightly and taking a deep rattling breath "where is it most painful?" You ask

"My chest, every time I breathe, I feel like it's going to split open" he whispers, there is a knock on your hotel room door and you open it to see the on-call doctor "hello I'm Doctor Gablehauser" she smiles

"Yes right of course, uh come in Calum's right over here" you say, leading her over to where Calum is huddled on the couch, coughing thickly and clutching his chest

She examines his throat and listens to his breathing and his coughing "it sounds to me like you are going through a bout of acute bronchitis, it should be over soon, although you will still experience coughing fits and chilly spells for a few weeks, as well as the production of mucus in your throat and lungs" she explains

Calum groans and leans his head back "will I be able to perform?" He asks meekly, Doctor Gablehauser gives him a withering glare and starts packing her stethoscope away "of course not, this can develop into chronic bronchitis if you don't rest, which would mean you would have to abandon all hope of singing" she says slowly

Calum's eyes go wide and he looks frantically between you and the doctor "but-but I have to perform all next week" he insists, Doctor Gablehauser throws him another withering glare and he shrinks back into his cushions

"well I'll go now, I've written out a few medicines for you to take and if you feel you are getting worse or start coughing up blood, I recommend you go to the hospital" she smiles, standing up and walking out, leaving you with a very pale looking Calum.

(A/N) Ashton's appendicitis oh dear lord I nearly cried, and that boy was apologising!  Apologising! For getting-like no! Dude! You don't apologise for getting sick! And he was like he's sorry for letting us down? NO! Like honestly bro, just focus on getting better.

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