You Fight Then Make Out

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Luke: "You were flirting with him (Y/N)! Right there in the middle of the interview! I was there, I saw you! You had your hand on Ashton's leg and you were whispering in his ear about god knows what! For the whole freaking world to see!" Luke shouts, throwing the front door open, he storms in and you follow him "I wasn't touching Ashton at all! I just asked him to scoot over a bit! Maybe my hand brushed his knee, I don't know Luke!" You exclaim, slamming the door behind you "no I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes! You were touching him intentionally, I saw it!" He bellows, you look at him, and although you shouldn't, you feel turned on, his hair is mussed up and the vein in his neck is prodding out, his eyebrows are drawn down over his stormy blue eyes and his whole body is taut, like a coiled spring, his broad shoulders are stiff and his pink lips are parted, his breath coming in erratic bursts. "How do you think that makes me feel? My best friend and my girlfriend doing this to me?" He asks quietly "we aren't-" "don't bloody fucking lie to me (Y/N)!" He roars "and how do you think it makes me look huh? You and Ash feeling each other up on live motherfucking television?" He continues, he's towering over you now "it's always about you isn't it?" You hiss "everything is always about you! How will this affect Luke's image? Luke's fans? Luke's feelings? Luke's band? Luke's reputation? Luke's friends? It's always about you and I'm sick of it!" You scream, lashing out at him with your fists, he grabs your wrists, holding them in one hand, he pins them behind your back, keeping them there, he presses you against the wall, his face dangerously close to yours, his tongue darts out over his lips, and before you know it his lips are slamming against yours desperately "you want it to be all about you? Huh?  Well you'll regret that. I know your body like the back of my hand, and tonight, it's going to be all about you, I'll have you shaking, begging even, and I'll remind you who's you are. Who you belong to" he snarls, lifting you off the ground so you can tangle your legs around his waist, you whimper as his hot mouth moves over your neck, his strong arms holding you up and his lean torso keeping you pinned to the wall "y'like that? Hmm?" He mumbles against your skin, you nod breathlessly and you feel his lips curl into a smirk as he carries you towards the bedroom, the fight all but forgotten.

Michael: "I saw you go upstairs with him!" Michael shouts, his green eyes dark and his body stiff "he practically dragged me!" You argue "and anyways, even if I'd gone willingly, what difference does it make? He's still my ex, and we're just friends!" You add, glowering at Michael, his gaze is intense but you refuse to look away, glaring at him with as much rage as he has harboured in his eyes "I know that you still love him, and you are cheating on me aren't you? Aren't you?!" He cries, pointing a trembling finger at you "no! I am not! How dare you?!" You scream "I don't know why I tolerate you! I might as well just leave! In fact...I think we should take a break" you hiss, grabbing your jacket and shrugging it on "no!" Michael yelps, he grabs your arm, pulling you towards him "no" he repeats, his voice soft but firm, you are millimetres from each other and his grip around your wrist loosens, his fingers slipping instead to cup your face, slowly, his eyes flickering from yours to your lips and back again, he presses his lips to yours, engulfing you completely in his intoxicating flavour "I love you too much, and I'm sorry for picking a fight" Michael mumbles, his soft lips moving gently down your neck "and if you ever left me, I don't know what I'd do with myself, you're my whole world" he breathes, his hands moving to rest on your hips "and I'm gonna prove that to you" and suddenly you are on your back on the couch, Michael lying in between your legs as he slowly peels your clothes away.

Calum: "Drop it Calum!" You say shrilly, tossing your house keys on to the couch and padding into your shared bedroom "I will not! Not till you tell me the truth!" He snaps "well I have haven't I? You just won't believe it!" You snap, rolling your eyes and tugging at your dress zip "well of course I don't! I refuse to believe that lady was provoking you! You just lost your shit!" Calum exclaims, you sigh exasperatedly, still fumbling for your zip "here let me" he mumbles, you turn and lift your hair to the side, allowing him to slowly unzip your dress, it falls in a pool at your feet and instantly you feel his lips connect to your shoulder "you are so beautiful" he mumbles, his hands gripping your hips as he grinds against you, kissing along your neck "and I love you" he turns you to face him, his lips meeting yours frantically "I-I thought we were fighting" you stammer, your hands gripping his shoulders "mm yeah-shut up babe" he mutters, hitching one of your legs up and around his waist.

Ashton: "Shut up Ashton!" You yell as he follows you through your school parking lot "no! Not until you explain! I just want the best for you!" Ashton growls, his hazel eyes boring into the back of your head, you are silent, ignoring him and he swiftly grabs you, shoving you so that your back slams painfully against someone else's car, you whimper, and looking up at Ashton's outraged face, for the first time in your life, you feel scared, terrified of your boyfriend "Tell me" he hisses, pushing your shoulders back and holding you down "why did you walk out of the exam? What about your future? Are you aware that this could seriously harm your choices! I studied with you all night for that paper, so I know you knew it!" He snarls "Ash you're hurting me" you whisper, tears pricking your eyes, the anger on his face dissapates and he let's you drop from the side of the car and into his arms "I'm so sorry poppet, I got carried away, I just I care so damn much and I don't want you ruining your future, but it's no excuse for my behaviour, I just, I underestimated my strength, oh god please don't be scared of me, I'm so sorry" he mumbles, his voice muffled by your hair, you nod and pull away from him, touching your lips lightly to his plump ones "I love you" you whisper, he cups your face in one large hand, the other rests on your hip, keeping you in place gently as his kisses get more passionate and fiery, you stumble drunkenly around till you find your car and he scrabbles to unlock it, pulling you into the back seat with him "I love you so much" he whispers, clumsily trying to unbutton your shirt.

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