Your Child Nags Him

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Ashton: "Dad why do I have to watch Mia?" Your fifteen year old son Harrison groans "because your mother and I are busy" Ashton mutters, tying up your six year old daughter's hair and straightening her shirt

"but I can't take her with me to football, or else I won't be able to play" Harrison whines "but I'll play wif you Harry" Mia grins "no Mia, this is proper football, not that crap you do at school" he grumbles

"Harrison! Swear jar!" Ashton scolds, Harrison rolls his eyes and drops a dollar into the jar "you're taking Mia with you, end of discussion" Ashton snaps.

Calum: "Daddy? Can you pway pwincesses wif me?" Your three year old lisps, poking Calum's side "no Allie, I'm tired, go ask mummy" Calum mutters without opening his eyes "but I don't wanna pway wif mummy, I wanna pway wif you" she whines

"Oh jeez, Allie I am exhausted, and I really just wanna sleep right now, and if you could just let me have just five minutes of peace, I would be really really happy, and I promise I'll play with you when I wake up okay? Just play with your dolls or something" Calum begs, rubbing his temples

"You pwomise you'll pway wif me after?" Allie asks "yes" he mumbles "pinky pwomise?" She giggles "mm hmm pinky promise" he chuckles, before drifting back to sleep.

Michael: "Are we there yet?" your seven year old son Adrian asks "no Adrian, Sydney is very far away from New York" Michael mutters "are there yet now?" Adrian whines five minutes later "no Adrian, just go to sleep" Michael groans

"I can't sleep dad! I need to pee!" Adrian cries, Michael sighs "go on then" he instructs "can you go with me?" Adrian pleads, widening his green eyes at Michael "oh for godsake" Michael mumbles, taking your son to the bathroom

They soon come back and Michael buckles Adrian into his seat "are we there yet now?" Adrian asks "Adrian I swear if you ask me that one more time I will toss you out of this plane!" Michael snaps, dropping heavily into his seat.

Luke: "You're not being fair dad! You've got your lip pierced, why can't I do mine?" Your seventeen year old daughter Michelle cries "because you're just a kid!" Luke snaps "I'm nearly eighteen!" she exclaims "well then you can wait!" he shouts "but dad" she pouts

"don't try that face on me! You can't manipulate me okay? I know you're used to getting everything you want, but I'm not going to change my mind" Luke says firmly.

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