Daddy Moment

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Ashton: You and Ashton were arguing, and his voice was rising steadily "please lower your voice Ashton" you beg, he glares at you, his jaw clenched "shut up (Y/N) I'm tired of you telling me what to do" he shouts

You wince at the volume of his voice "I'm sorry, I'll just go to bed" you whisper, his face falls, and he watches you as you pad up the stairs sniffling

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair "god I'm such an ass" he mumbles, he follows you up the stairs, and stands outside your bedroom, listening to you crying just beyond the door

He looks up and his eyes fall on your one year old daughter's room, he can hear her cooing to herself and a small smile creeps over his face "Amy?" He whispers, sticking his head into her room

His daughter is standing up in her crib, and on seeing her father, gives him a large smile "dada" she grins, Ashton laughs softly and picks her up, stroking her curly hair

"You look just like your mommy" he whispers, he sits down and looks into his daughter's brown eyes "I was very mean to mommy today, and I said some very mean things that I didn't mean to say, and now mommy is crying, she doesn't wanna talk to me, and it's all my fault" he mumbles

Amy gurgles, staring intently at her father "I feel like...sometimes I feel like she's going to leave me...and take you with her, take you away from me" Ashton sniffs, he pulls Amy close to his chest and tucks her head beneath his chin, hugging her tight

"I love you and your mummy so much, and I just..." he sighs, a tear rolling down his face "Ash" you whisper from the doorway, he looks up, hastily wiping his eyes "babe" he croaks, standing up, you dart over to him and hug him tightly, Amy squashed between the two of you "I love you Ashton" you giggle, pressing your lips to his.

Michael: Michael is doing an interview with the other boys, and he took your two year old daughter with him "cookie daddy?" Shiloh asks, her green eyes wide as she tugs on Michael's pant leg "no baby, mummy said not to give you too many cookies remember?" Michael chuckles

His daughter pouts, her lower lip wobbling "aw she's precious, look here Shiloh, look what I've got!" The interviewer laughs, she holds up a large teddy bear and immediately Shiloh's eyes light up, her lips curling into a smile

She peeks out from behind Michael's legs, giggling but too shy to come out "go on baby" Michael urges, she giggles again and takes the bear from the interviewer before hastily scrambling onto her uncle Luke's lap and hiding her face

Then one of the crew workers comes on the set and asks to see Michael, so he and Michael disappear and when Shiloh looks up her father is gone "where daddy?" She whimpers, her eyes brimming with tears, her pink lips tremble and soon she's bawling

"Daddy'll be back in a minute Shiloh, it's okay" Luke soothes, rubbing her back, and moments later Michael comes dashing back onto the set, Shiloh reaches her arms out to him, tears still rolling down her cheeks as she sniffs "I'm so sorry baby, daddy had to go for a minute" Michael pants, scooping up his daughter

She clings to him, her face buried in his shirt as she sucks her thumb frantically "I'm here princess, it's okay" he whispers, stroking her straight brown hair and kissing the top of her head

Soon she drifts off to sleep and the interview can continue, but Michael isn't really paying attention to the questions, he has all his attention fixed on Shiloh, stroking her back gently.

Luke: Luke is having a busy day in the recording studio, and he decided to take your three old son with him to work

"Hey bud, watcha doing there?" He laughs, he's holding Daniel in his lap and the boy is extremely fascinated by the prickly hair on his father's chin, he rubs his tiny hands over it, eyebrows furrowed in concentration

"You like daddy's beard?" Luke grins, Daniel nods "I want one daddy" he pouts, his fingers moving over Luke's throat, he pokes his father's Adams apple and Luke laughs, dodging backwards "ow that hurts Dan" he chuckles

He ruffles Daniel's blond hair and pretends to think for a while "by this time next year I'm sure you'll have a bit of stubble" he smirks, tickling his son, Daniel giggles, writhing in his father's arms

"how old will you be next year buddy?" Luke asks "four daddy!" Daniel cries "no! Four? Are you sure Danny?" Luke exclaims, feigning surprise "yes! I'm three now" Daniel insists

"Whatever you say buddy" Luke says "for my birthday can I pierce my lip like you daddy?" Daniel asks hopefully "we'll have to talk to mummy about that" Luke smiles, chuckling softly.

Calum: Calum and the boys were taking your five year old son to the beach for the day so that you could relax at home.

"Robin don't go too far" Calum warns, watching his son warily, Robin runs ahead, climbing fearlessly over the slippery rocks, the wind blowing through his black hair "Robin!" Calum yells, starting to get worried

Seconds later, the little boy slips and falls face first against the rocks "fuck" Calum exclaims, he and the boys race over to Robin, who is sitting up by now, bawling as blood slips down his scraped chin

Calum scoops his son into his arms, hugging him tightly "are you okay bud?" He asks, dabbing the blood away with his shirt, Robin sniffles and shakes his head "where does it hurt?" Calum asks, his eyes darting over his son's body, searching for any other source of pain other than his bloody chin

Robin is quiet, clinging desperately to his father's shirt "I wanna go home daddy" he whimpers, nestling his face into the crook of Calum's neck "yeah okay bud, and I'll get you an ice cream as well, how's that sound?" Calum murmurs, stroking Robin's back

The little boy nods, tears still running out of his big brown eyes, his tiny hands clinging to his father's shirt "it's okay, daddy's got you bud, it's okay" Calum soothes, rubbing Robin's back and kissing the top of his head.

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