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Michael: When you met Michael, you were chatting in the bar, neither of you paying attention to the football game on the tv, and his friend-a middle aged man with slicked back platinum hair who Michael referred to as 'Feldy' -had jumped up when his team scored, accidentally spilling his beer on you. You had run, giggling with Michael, into the bathrooms, were he helped you wipe your shirt. The cold beer, your lack of bra, and Michael's petting, suddenly turned into the hugest sexual tension, and before you knew what was happening, you were up against the door, your undies hanging off the ceiling fan.

Now two months later, you are shivering on a doctor's table, dressed in a paper hospital gown, your phone pressed to your ear "um hi uh Michael?" You wipe your eyes, smudging your make up even more, you are kind of relieved you got his answering machine "um this is-is (Y/N)...the girl from The Stallion Bar two months ago? Your friend spilled beer on me and we uh-we um...in the bathroom yeah...anyway I'm sixteen and pregnant now-yeah, and look I didn't know you were a huge rock star in some huge band, and I'm not lying...I'm not some crazed fan or something...but I'm getting an abortion-right-right after this call, and I don't know why I'm uh...telling you, but um I thought-I guess-you deserve to know-I mean it's your kid too right?" 'And I'm ending its life'  the thought races through you like wildfire "I-I don't know-I'm sorry-bye" you say abruptly.

Ashton: When you and Ashton started having sex, you were always careful, you took the pill daily and used condoms as a back up, but as the months passed, you got more and more cocky, blatantly ignoring contraceptives and relying more on Ashton's self control and allowing him to pull out instead. This of course, ended badly: lost in the sweet ecstasy of his orgasm, Ashton forgot to pull out, but later assured you that nothing would happen.

You stand in front of the small private abortion clinic, Ashton grips your hand tightly, both of you have your hoods pulled up, praying that the paparazzi don't catch you "Ash...do you think it'll hurt?" You ask softly, walking slowly towards the building "I-I don't know babe" he stammers, he bites his lip, holding the door open for you, you follow him to the receptionists desk "um good afternoon, we have an appointment for 1:30 with Doctor Acker" "name?" The receptionist grumbles, her acrylic nails tapping rapidly on the desk "the appointment is under Irwin but it's-uh it's for my girlfriend" Ashton mumbles, the receptionist gives him a 'no shit' look before checking her computer "hmm well your five minutes late, the doctor is waiting for you" she waves her hand to a white door on your left, and you quietly follow Ashton in. "Now Miss (Y/L/N), are you a hundred percent sure you want to do this? Ending a pregnancy can be harmful to your own body, especially when you get into the second trimester like you have, apart from the obvious fact that if you remove the fetus you can't get it back, you may experience spotting or heavy bleeding, cramps, vomiting, and you cannot have sex, use tampons, go swimming, or have a bath for at least two weeks" you nod at the doctor and take a deep breath as he injects you with anaesthesia, the last thing you remember is Ashton's hand wrapped around yours

Calum: You got pregnant because of rough sex and an old condom. Calum had found a pack of expired condoms in the glove compartment of his dad's car, and instead of throwing them out, insisted on using at least one, he claimed they were quality vintage and wouldn't cause any problems, and when that didn't work he pouted and kissed and teased your worries away, he lured you in saying it would be fun and historic.

"You and your fucking vintage condoms" you growl, throwing the positive pregnancy test on top of Calum's economics textbook, he stares at it for a second before looking up at you, his eyes wide "oh these condoms were made before you were born babe, come on we gotta try them" you mimic, rolling your eyes, you fold your arms over your chest, tapping your foot "baby...I am so sorry" he breathes, taking the test in his hands, staring at the little blue plus "yeah you should be, you should see the fucking prices in the damn abortion clinics" his head snaps up and his jaw slackens "you already...you-you killed it?" he gasps, you hand him the abortion bill and he stares at you incredulously "don't you think I-I had a right to-to know? That's my child (Y/N)!" He exclaims, suddenly turning angry, you glare at him "I'm sorry were you planning on me keeping it?" You snap, your hands on your hips "...no...I just-I would've liked to know...and I would've liked to have been there...for you...and for-well...him or her" he mumbles, his brown eyes clouding up.

Luke: You were seventeen when you lost your virginity to Luke, you didn't use a condom because neither of you had one, you did it with him because he was going on a world tour for six months the next morning. You started feeling weird after a bit, and although you were in touch with your boyfriend, you didn't want to worry him, but after missing two periods and suffering from extreme nausea, you decided it was time to go to the doctor; and the results sent your world crashing down.

"Hey Luke" you mumble over Skype, staring at the sonogram pictures in your lap "hey baby" he says, chuckling softly "how's um...how's the tour?" You ask, wiping your eyes "it's fine, but are you okay? You don't look too good baby girl, tell me what's wrong" you sigh, shaking your head "it's everything Luke" you croak, biting on your lip, he frowns, sitting up in his bunk "well maybe I can help?" He suggests, his blue eyes filled with worry "no, you-you can't" you cover your face with your hands, sobbing "baby please, you're scaring me, please tell me what's wrong baby" "it's just that Luke...a baby" you whisper, his mouth falls open and he stares, frozen "oh my god (Y/N) I'm so sorry, fuck, how-how far along are you?" He gasps, you duck your head to hide your tears "two months and a bit...I can still get an...an abortion" you say quietly, his face goes blank "but...our kid...god I feel so terrible...we're not really ready to be parents are we?" You shake your head and he sighs "I want you to finish your education, I mean you're doing so well...this'll ruin that, and I'm barely at home..." he trails off, biting his lip "I'll go tomorrow" you mumble, he nods "I love you darling, just remember that" he murmurs.

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