He Hits You (Part One)

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Luke: "I don't see why everything always has to be about you! If Luke isn't happy the world cannot even dare to think about moving until Luke is fucking happy again!" you scream, shoving your clothes into a suitcase

"that's not the way it is! It's you who always makes everything about yourself! You think the world just revolves around you and that everyone in it has to fold to your every whim!" Luke bellows, his face flushed, he towers over you and you glare up at him

"just shut up! Shut up Luke! I can't believe I ever even loved you! You're such an asshole!" you shriek, shoving him backwards "hey don't act like you're a joy to be around! You're a bitch! And I never want to see you again!" he roars

"like I give a flying fuck! I wish I'd never met you Luke Hemmings!" you shout at the top of your lungs

before you know what's happening, you feel his fist come into contact with your face, sending you staggering backwards, your back slams into the corner of the dresser and you fall

tears stinging your eyes, you look up at Luke, your vision blurry, and a sob slips past your lips "I-I'm sorry" he whispers, crouching next to you

you cry out and back away from him "please! Don't be scared of me!" he begs, his voice cracking

"don't come any closer!" you sob, you scramble to your feet and run out the door, leaving him alone.

Ashton: "Ashton, you're drunk, just...stop" you say quietly, your voice trembling as he advances on you

"so...you thought you could just dance with that man and get away with it?" he hisses "Ash, we were just dancing, please, I'm sorry" you whimper

very familiar with Ashton's drunken rages, his hands go around your throat, squeezing it hard and cutting off your air supply "Ashton!" you gasp, clawing at his hands "I saw you, grinding on him like the slut you are" he growls, shoving you to the floor

you cower there, praying he would stop soon, but you feel his foot hit your stomach, knocking all the wind out of you, you sob and clutch your stomach, he kicks your face, and the familiar taste of blood fills your mouth, you scream, curling into a ball as his foot hits you again and again, and then he stops

"get the fuck off of her" you hear your seventeen year old son yell, he grabs the back of his father's shirt and punches him, knocking him out immediately "mom are you okay?" he asks, rushing to your side, you nod, standing up shakily

"we're getting out of here, tonight!" he says firmly "no Jeremy, I can't leave your father" you sniff, wiping blood off your chin "yes you bloody well can! I don't care how much love him!" he snaps

"I'm going to grab Georgie and we are getting out!" he orders you, you shake your head and crouch by Ashton's unconscious body, stroking his face, Jeremy goes up the stairs and comes back down holding his three year old brother in his arms

"mum we are going!" he mutters pulling you away from Ashton and out the door.

You make your way down the dark streets until you reach Luke's house, Jeremy presses the doorbell until you hear Luke grumbling and getting out of bed, he opens the door and turns on the light, his eyes fall on your battered body and he motions you inside

"again?" he asks, you nod silently "you and Georgie can have my bed, Jeremy and I will bunk down here" he murmurs, helping you up the stairs.

Michael: "Look me in the eye and tell me you're not cheating on me and we can forget this ever happened!" you shout, staring at Michael, he opens his mouth, looks at you and then closes it again

"shut up (Y/N)! I only did it cause I was bored! Cause you're boring as fuck! You act like you're the Virgin Mary all the time and it's fucking annoying!" he cries, glaring at you "I hate you Michael, I really do." you hiss

he raises his hand and slaps you hard across the cheek, you gasp "(Y/N) I-I didn't mean to!" he stammers, grabbing your arm, you jerk away from him and run out, your eyes full of tears.

Calum: "I swear if you step out of that door!" Calum threatens, you glare at him "what will you do? Throw another hissy fit?" you snap, he turns and knocks over a large vase

"why must you be so irritating?!" he yells, stepping over the broken glass "why must you be such a self centered, egotistical, dick?!" you cry "fuck you!" he shout

you shrug and open the door, grabbing your bags, but Calum grips your arm and yanks you back, shoving you onto the carpet, you gasp as shards of glass pierce your skin, and tears spill down your face

"oh my god" Calum breathes, he tries to help you up, but you scoot away, shaking your head you stand and run out the door, bits of glass still embedded in your flesh.

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