He Finds Out You Sent Nudes To/Made A Sex Tape With Another Member BSM

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Michael: You are jolted awake by Michael hammering furiously on your door "(Y/N) (Y/M/N) Clifford open this damn door!" He yells, you grunt and lurch out of bed, letting your door swing open "what?" You growl, he storms into your bedroom, grabs your phone, and quickly does your code, going to your conversation with Luke, before your sleepy mind can register what he's even doing, he throws your phone down "are you serious?! I can't believe you sent fucking nudes to Luke! Are you insane!" You gulp, rooted to the spot "how did you find out?" You breathe, running a hand over your face "I caught him showing them to Calum" he snaps, he paces up and down the room, tugging at his hair "for godsake (Y/N) I told you not to get mixed up with my bandmates! I told you Luke was using you!" His voice booms through the room, making you cringe at the volume "Luke's not using me" "yes he is, and even if he wasn't, I beat him up so bad he's never going to come within twenty feet of you again" you gape at your brother, hot tears running down your face "what did you do to him?" You choke out, Michael shakes his head and looks down, you can tell he is ashamed of losing his cool on Luke, which probably means the damage to your boyfriend is extreme "Michael. What did you do?" You ask through gritted teeth "nothing he didn't deserve!" You sit down heavily on your bed and glare up at your brother "how dare you lay a finger on hi-" "no how dare you send naked pictures to him" anger courses through your body and you are overwhelmed by hatred for your brother "its not like he hadn't seen it before" you hiss, Michael goes stiff, his face draining of blood "you didn't" he breathes, his hands trembling "you did not sleep with Luke Hemmings" you look up at him defiantly and can't help the small smirk that flashes over your face "you are so dead when I tell mom and dad, and so is your fucking boyfriend" he storms out, slamming your door behind him as you sob into your pillow.

Ashton: "(Y/N)? Come here a second please" you enter your brother's bedroom and sit down on his bed "yeah?" Ashton sits up, a grim look on his face "c'mere" he opens his arms for you and you snuggle up next to him "things with Calum are pretty serious huh?" He asks, twisting a few strands of your hair into a braid "yeah I guess you could say that" you can't help the huge smile that spreads over your face at the thought of your boyfriend "I can see that he really makes you happy" Ashton chuckles, you nod "I hope he's not trying to...force you into anything too fast" he murmurs, you shake your head, blush tinting your cheeks "he's a gentleman Ash, he's not-pressuring me to do anything I'm not ready for" "so when you sent him those nudes, he wasn't pressuring you then?" You close your eyes, knowing you're busted "how did you find-" "I have my sources (Y/N), also I don't know whether you've heard this yet, but Calum's phone was stolen, and his twitter was hacked about an hour ago...you're trending world wide lil' sis" you gape at your brother, tears filling your eyes, he nods gravely and pulls you into his arms, kissing your forehead "I thought you'd need a shoulder to cry on instead of an angry brother, mom will really chew you out, but don't worry, she'll get over it" Ashton rubs your back as you sob against his chest.

Calum: 'Michael Clifford & (Y/N) Hood: Sex Tape Leaked'

'Band Trouble in 5SoS:What's going to happen to the band now everyone knows Michael is fucking Calum's baby sister?'

The magazines land in your lap with a thud and your breath catches in your throat "what is this?" You look up at you brother, who looks furious "a magazine?" You squeak, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, sitting next to you "I-I'm not going to yell at you, god knows dad'll damn near have a heart attack when he sees this, I just want to talk okay? I want to know why you did this" he crosses his arms, facing you and you sigh "well, last time you guys were going on tour, Michael thought it'd be a good idea...to film a video of me...blowing him" you stammer, your face heating up "of course it was Michael's idea" Calum mutters darkly "and now you guys are going on tour again, he suggested we make a whole...sex tape. It wasn't supposed to be leaked! All he ever used them for was to jack off when he was horny!" You sigh, tears fill your eyes and you look down, you are surprised to feel Calum's arm go around you as he pulls you into a hug "it's okay, we all make mistakes, and if you want I'll talk to mom and dad for you, make 'em go easy on you" he kisses the top of your head, rubbing your back "thank you, and I really am sorry Cal" you croak, he nods, smiling gently "also...Please don't hurt Michael" you whisper, he laughs dryly and shakes his head "I won't hurt him too bad" he chuckles.

Luke: "(Y/N) what the fuck is this?!" Luke comes storming into your bedroom with Ashton's laptop, and drops it in front of you, he points to a file entitled '(Y/N) sex tape' you gulp, not daring to meet your brother's furious eyes "Luke I'm sorry" you whimper, he raises his eyebrows at you and scoffs "damn right you're fucking sorry" he snaps, he paces up and down running his hands through his hair "I can't believe you had sex with Ashton, yet alone let him fucking film it, are you insane?!" "I never thought you'd find out" you say quietly, staring down at your pedicured toenails "well maybe if you spent less time with Ashton's dick in your mouth you'd have thought of it" Luke snaps, you feel your eyes fill with tears but you blink them away "you're going to stop seeing him, you hear me? Do you hear me (Y/N)?" "Stop acting like you're dad Luke, you have no right to tell me whether or not I can continue seeing Ash" you mutter, he crosses his arms over his chest, peering out your window "(Y/N) (Y/M/N) Hemmings, you will do as I say because I am your older brother, and if you don't I will show this video to mom and dad. You are going to stop seeing Ashton. Do you hear me?" He says it nonchalantly, as if he's talking about the weather "yes" you whisper, he turns to face you, and you see his anger melt a little at the sight of your tears "I'm only doing this to protect you" he says quietly.

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