He Cheats On You (Pt 3) (His P.O.V)

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Luke: I knock on Ashton's door, loud, raw sobs escaping my throat, he opens the door, his hazel eyes filled with worry "she-she didn't t-take m-me back" I hiccup, falling into his arms like a little kid "oh Luke, I was so sure she would" he sighs, he guides me into the living room, sitting with me as I have a complete meltdown "I thought-I thought she w-would forgive m-me!" I whimper, he rubs my back "I know mate, so did I" "she s-said sh-she couldn't trust me, and th-that if I-I loved her-I'd let-let her go" I bawl, barely able to get the words out in between the tears "well then you did the right thing didn't you?" He asks gently, I nod, taking huge gulps of air "but it-it doesn't f-feel like it Ash" I screw my eyes closed, trying to stop the endless flow of tears "what's it feel like?" He mumbles, I bite my lip, my breath hitching "it feels-it feels like s-someone ri-ripped my h-heart right out of m-my chest, I never kn-knew such p-pain was p-possible" I croak, he sighs looking down "do you know...do you know how she found out about it?" He asks tentatively, I scowl "someone t-told her, I don't know who, but I-I swear when I find out..." my eyes drift over his guilty face and realisation hits me like a ton of bricks "it was you? Y-you told her?" I gasp, I struggle to my feet "Luke she had the right to know!" He protests, I gape at him, backing away slowly "I was going t-to tell her myself Ashton! What made you think it was your place to tell her?!" I spit, he bites his lip "I'm really sorry Luke, I just, I care about (Y/N), and I didn't want her getting hurt by finding out from twitter or something. And anyways, (Y/N) deserves better than you" he snaps "fuck you Ashton, I can't believe you! You ruined the best relationship I've ever had!" I yell, suddenly I feel his fist hit my jaw and I'm on the ground "that's for (Y/N)" he mutters, before reaching down to help me up "I'm sorry Luke" he says quietly, I nod, my teeth clenched "its fine, I deserved it" I mutter, stalking out of his house.

Michael: I flop onto the couch next to Luke, scowling, he surveys my face and frowns "I take it (Y/N) didn't forgive you then?" He asks, I smile widely and laugh "she did! I was just messing" I chuckle, he cheers, throwing his arm around my shoulders "you lucky bastard, you had a lot to lose there" he says, I nod "she nearly didn't forgive me, she wanted to leave and take the baby away from me" I mumble, biting my lip, Luke frowns "that's pretty harsh, she must have been mad" his blue eyes are filled with concern "more like devastated, but I told her that I was completely wasted and that chick didn't mean anything to me, I mean for fucksake I don't even remember what she looked like" I sigh, he nods, we both watch the recording booth for a second, where Calum is busy recording some solos "you gotta be more careful Mike, another mistake like this and you're out mate, and (Y/N) is the best thing that's ever happened to you man, you don't want to lose her and your son over some dumb mistake" he warns, I nod, running my hand through my hair "you know what? When all this cools down, I'm going to ask her to marry me" I smile.

Calum: "She thought I was going to hit her Michael" I say softly, I rub my eyes and sigh "I don't know why but that hurt so much, the fact that she thinks I would do that to her...its really getting to me" I admit, Michael nods patting my shoulder "she was probably just scared, she must've been so overwhelmed and all the arguing and stuff...she was just confused Cal" he says quietly, I shake my head "no Michael, I could see it in her eyes, she thought I was going to hit her...I've hurt her so much and I feel like I don't deserve her forgiveness, I feel like, me allowing her to take me back isn't the right thing." Michael frowns "what are you on about mate? She took you back, you love her, she clearly loves you. Why can't you be happy?" He asks, I groan "I am happy. But I consciously cheated on her several times, if it were the other way around I don't know whether I would forgive her" I admit, Michael rolls his eyes and punches my arm "you're feeling guilty bro, but you don't need to be anymore, she took you back, she got over it and forgave you, its about time you forgive yourself" he says, I nod slowly, biting my lip.

Ashton: I sit alone on the park bench, my hood pulled up to hide my tear stained cheeks "Hey Ash" Calum sighs, sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms around me, I bury my face in his soft blue sweater, sobbing hard "I'm a useless excuse of a human being, she hates me Cal, she hates me! I'm such a bad boyfriend" I cry, he rubs my back gently "come on Ash don't say that, you made a mistake" he soothes, I sniff loudly, shaking my head, he pushes my hair out of my face, his brown eyes full of pity "she said she was tired of being everybody's second choice, I swear if she'd just given me another minute to talk I would've gotten her back." I croak, gritting my teeth "she just ran off Cal, she said she couldn't do it and ran off. I should have gone after her" I shake my head as he shushes me "I know it hurts Ash, but you gotta understand how hard it must've been for her" he reasons, I nod, wiping my nose "I just want her back Cal" I whimper.

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