Just Stay

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Luke: "Please (Y/N), just stay, only for the night? I don't want you walking home by yourself so late" your best friend Luke begs "Luke my brother will slaughter you if he finds out I spent the night" you giggle

"I don't mind, just please please please with sprinkles and a cherry on top, but a real cherry not those weird jelly ones, cause I know how much you hate those" he pouts, taking your hands in his

"Only because it's a real cherry...you know me too well Hemmings" you grin, a smirk spreads over his face and drags you back to his room "okay you can have my bed I'll sleep on the floor, and I'll get you some clothes to sleep in and you need to go to bed now because you have school tomorrow, ha sucks for you, I've got band practice but not till the afternoon so I can stay up" he babbles, pulling a shirt and boxers out of his closet and dumping them in your arms

"If I'm staying over you've got to sleep in the bed with me or I'll get cold! And you gotta sleep at the same time as me, ha sucks for you" you chuckle, pulling your clothes off and tugging on Luke's

"Can-can-can you not um uh un-undress without-without giving a warning?" Luke stammers, his cheeks flushed "Oh grow up Luke, you look like a twelve year old, you've seen my boobs before, it's no biggie, now come on, bed" you giggle, pulling the covers back and climbing in.

Calum: "You can't just leave!" Calum shouts, his voice echoing angrily around the room "yes I damn well can!" You scream, you shove more clothes into your rucksack and wipe your eyes angrily " you can't! You can't! I love you, you can't just leave me!" He cries, tugging your bag from your hands

"Give that back to me!" You sob, but your hands fall limply to the side and he tosses the bag away, pulling you into his arms instead, you cling to his shirt, sobbing

"Please just stay, stay with me, I can't survive without you, please listen (Y/N)-look feel this, you feel my heart? It beats for you, please-please...just stay another night" he begs, holding your hands firmly over his chest "one night" you whisper, and then his lips are on yours.

Michael: "Babe just stay, c'mon please? We'll go home soon, and you can relax" your husband Michael begs "Michael I can't, all this noise and food, and I just feel ill" you whimper, holding one hand against your baby bump

"I know, I know, but I'm obligated to stay for at least another hour and I don't want to let you out of my sight" he murmurs, tucking your hair behind your ear

"Okay but if I throw up on one of your bosses it's not my fault" you sigh "of course not...although if you could do that, that would be lovely, aim for that guy in the green tie, he's a real git" Michael grins.

Ashton: "Just stay down" Ashton growls, pushing your hips further down on the mattress, his tongue darts in and out of you, his thumb rubbing figure eights on your clit "Ash" you moan, gripping the sheets, sweat dripping down your chest

"I love when you say my name baby" he mutters, kissing your thighs as his long fingers slip inside you "oh god Ashton!" You scream, your stomach knotting and your orgasm making your body tremble "mm it's even better when you scream it" he groans, lapping up your cum.

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