One Of The Other Boys Has A Wet Dream About You

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Luke: "Hey Mike" you smile, waving at Michael as you step onto the tour bus, his eyes go wide and his face flushes "what happened to your eye?" you frown, noticing his black eye, he mumbles something incomprehensible and then scurries away "Michael?" you call after him, puzzled by his behaviour, suddenly your boyfriend comes in the room "hi baby" he kisses you quickly, maneuvering round you to get his phone on the counter "Luke, what's with Michael? I said hello to him and he started blushing like a ten year old and ran off" you ask, sitting down on the couch "he didn't say anything to you did he?" Luke snaps, you shake your head, your eyebrows furrowed "okay well you stay the fuck away from Michael yeah?" he snarls, his fists are clenched and the vein in his neck is protruding, anger radiating off him "what happened between you two?" you ask softly, going up to Luke and laying a soothing hand on his arm "he fucking dreamed about you last night-sexually" Luke says through gritted teeth, you are shocked, frowning "but...he's like my best friend" you mumble, biting your lip "yeah well from what I heard, he was fucking the hell out of you last night" Luke mutters, his arms folded over his chest "I'm assuming you gave him the black eye huh?" you murmur, Luke grunts and shrugs "Michael is your best friend Luke" "not anymore" he says fiercely, you sigh and stroke his cheek "I understand that you're jealous, and you're feeling a little possessive and territorial over me; which is totally normal. But Michael is your best friend, and I refuse to be the reason you two stop being friends" you kiss him softly and he sighs, his muscles loosening "okay-okay fine, I'll apologise. But I don't want to see you getting too close to him, none of that sitting on his lap, cuddling, tickle fights-shit like that, okay?" you nod and kiss him again "you're hot when you're mad" you giggle.

Ashton: You are woken up in the middle of the night by a loud throaty groan coming from the other side of the tour bus, you grumble under your breath and try to sit up, but Ashton grunts and pulls you closer "no babe, it's just one of the boys, probably trying to pull a prank on us or something" he mumbles, you roll your eyes, realising he's probably right, and lie back down, snuggling up to his bare chest "yeah baby, just like that" you identify the moaning voice as Luke's and try to block him out "little shit is probably having some dirty dream" Ashton snickers, running his hand through your hair "goddamn babe I'm fucking close!" Luke yelps, you giggle and you hear muttering from the other two boys "shut the fuck up Luke" Michael snarls "uh oh, the beast has awoken" Ashton whispers, referring to Michael who is always murderous if woken too early "Oh! Baby-I-fuck (Y/N) yes" the bus is silent apart from Luke's heavy breathing, Ashton's arms tighten around your waist, his muscles taught, and suddenly he lets go of you and you are watching open mouthed as he pulls Luke out of his bunk and throws him to the floor, punching him repeatedly in the face, Calum and Michael fly out of their bunks, Michael grabbing Ashton by the shoulders and desperately yanking him back whilst Calum drags a nearly unconscious Luke out of your boyfriend's reach. Ashton is red faced, struggling to break away, screaming obscenities at his band mates, Luke is sitting on the floor, his head between his knees, blood dripping from his face as he waves Calum away "I'm sorry!" he spits, wiping his nose roughly, you suddenly snap into action, glancing between the two guys, your boyfriend and your best friend, tears springing into your eyes "Ashton stop!" you cry out, he instantly stops struggling and Michael drops his arms "you and Luke are best friends-" "he had no right to be thinking that way of y-" you raise your hand and pad over to Ashton, your arms folded over your chest "look what you've done to him" you say quietly, gesturing to Luke, who still has blood dripping down his chin from his busted lip "he deserves it" Ashton mutters halfheartedly, you sigh and shake your head, you turn to Luke and kneel beside him, pushing his floppy hair out of his bruised eye "I'm so sorry Luke, are you okay?" he nods, smiling weakly "I'm sorry for...I didn't mean to...I just..." he trails off, you are surprised to see Ashton leaning down next to you with a sigh "I'm sorry man, I'm just a jealous fucker, and if you want you can beat me up as well" Ashton murmurs, Luke grins and shakes his head as Ashton helps him to his feet, the two boys hug and you smile, marvelling at how quickly guys can make up.

Calum: You giggle, smiling up at your boyfriend Calum, your head in his lap as he plays with your hair "what?" he grins, you shake your head and he pouts "tell me" he whines "I was just thinking about how much I love coming on tour with you, and I was wondering what it's like for you when I'm not here to...relieve your manly urges" you smirk, Calum flushes, laughing nervously "I mean, imagine what it's like for the others, not having someone there twenty four-seven to like suck them off. Oh, have you ever heard one of them..." you trail off as you realize Calum's hardened expression and clenched jaw "what's wrong baby?" you ask gently, a low growl slips past his lips and suddenly you feel his hot mouth on your neck, sucking the skin hard "you're all mine baby, only I can do this, you hear? Only me" his hands slip beneath your shirt to squeeze your boobs, making you whimper "nobody else can touch you the way I do. Nobody in this godamn world and especially not Ashton fucking Irwin" he snarls, you frown, gently pushing Calum off of you "what's going on Cal?" you ask, he sighs, glaring at the ground "Ashton...Ashton was-he was dreaming about you last night, on the bus-he woke us all up-and he just-he was enjoying himself way too fucking much so I punched him in the stomach...which apparently was not the right thing to do" he mutters, you sit in shock for a few seconds, trying to digest the information "poor Ash" you mumble, earning a glare from Calum.

Michael: When you walk into the dressing room, you instantly sense the tension between the guys, you make your way over to Michael and sit next to him, but he barely blinks an eye, engrossed in the video game he is playing, he glares daggers at the screen, pressing his controller buttons aggressively, Luke is sitting on the opposite couch, awkwardly glancing between his phone and Ashton, both of them sharing panicked looks, Calum is at the back of the room, plucking distractedly at a guitar, he makes eye contact briefly and blushes, quickly looking back down at the guitar in his lap. Sighing you turn off the television and face Michael "are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" you ask, he huffs and gestures for you to follow him. You find your way to an empty room and he folds his arms over his chest, leaning against the door "Calum had a wet dream last night. Starring you" he blurts, you can see the vein in his neck pulsing, and you know he's furious "me?" you ask, he nods, his eyes meeting yours "and you're angry why?" you chuckle "he's not allowed to think off you that way" Michael growls, clearly not the slightest bit amused "Mikey, you are so jealous" you coo, placing butterfly kisses along his neck, he tilts his head, closing his eyes and allowing you more access to his neck, you grin, placing a hand on his firm chest and the other on the waistband of his jeans "Calum can think of me whichever way he likes, because only you get the real thing" you whisper, nipping at his earlobe "babe don't tease" he groans softly, making you giggle as you meet his lips in a fiery kiss.

(A/N) I would totally appreciate it if you would check out my other preference book, it's called Pregnancy Series and it's also 5sos. big love

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