He Misses The Birth (His P.O.V)

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Luke: I run into the hospital and lean against the receptionist desk "(Y/N) Hemmings? She came in last night, having a baby" I pant, the receptionist scans my appearance scornfully, I look terrible, I've been up all night worrying and I had to get a flight out from London in the middle of the night "and who are you?" She asks "Luke Hemmings, her husband, I'm the father" I say, starting to get impatient "she's in the maternity ward, up this corridor and to your left, room 631" the receptionist says, I nod, thanking her briefly before taking off down the hall. Room 631, it's right in front of me, and suddenly it hits me, beyond this door is my wife, and my son, my newborn son. I am a father now. I knock on the door gently and push it open, (Y/N) is asleep, a small blue bundle of blankets on her chest, I creep over to her slowly and peek at my son, he is tiny, with chubby cheeks and long brown eyelashes, a small tuft of golden hair on his head, a small watery chuckle escapes my throat and (Y/N)'s eyes open slowly "hey sweetie" I whisper, pressing a kiss to her forehead "Luke" she mumbles, her eyes are barely open for a second before they droop and close again, her breathing steadies and she's asleep again "you must be exhausted" I say softly, stroking the hair out of her face, I look down and notice that our little boy has woken up, he blinks up at me with big blue eyes and yawns "hi baby boy, it's me, your daddy" I smile, I lift him off of (Y/N) and hold him close to my chest, rambling on quietly about anything that comes to mind. Eventually, after about two hours, in the middle of telling him about my parents and my brothers and my dog Molly, I look down and realise that he is fast asleep "I love you" I whisper and kiss the top of his fluffy head.

Michael: I unlock the front door and drop my suitcase at the door, I pad up the stairs, careful not to make too much noise "(Y/N)?" I call out softly "I'm in the nursery" her voice drifts back, I smile, and slowly push open the nursery door, stepping into the light blue room, (Y/N) is sitting in the plush armchair we had picked out, smiling up at me radiantly, I blush when I realise that she is breastfeeding our son and she giggles "don't be shy, you've seen it all before anyways" she laughs, I grin sheepishly and make my way over to them "so this is him huh?" I murmur, my eyes fixed on the tiny little boy at her chest, he has an incredible amount of brown hair that sticks straight up like he's been electrocuted, she nods and I sit next to her on the arm of the chair "so does that-ahem-does that hurt?" I ask awkwardly, waving my hand towards her breasts, where our little boy is still suckling away happily, making little grunts and snuffles of contentment "yeah a bit...it leaks too" she mumbles, I nod, rubbing the back of my neck "look I'm sorry I missed it-the birth, I really am, I should have been there for you" I blurt, biting my lip "it's okay, it wasn't your fault" she says softly "so you aren't mad at me?" I ask, she shakes her head, slipping her bra strap back up and covering up "would you like to hold him?" She asks, getting to her feet, I nod, and she places him in my arms "he's perfect...I can't believe we made this" I mumble, my eyes clouding with tears, she kisses the top of my head and drapes her arm over my shoulder, stroking the little boy's cheek "I know" she chuckles, shaking her head.

Calum: I wrestle my last bag through the door and trudge in, completely exhausted, I lurch up the stairs, stripping off my sweaty shirt on the way, looking forward to a cuddle with (Y/N) and a good night's sleep, when suddenly I hear crying, but not normal crying; baby crying. I freeze and soon the sound of (Y/N)'s sweet voice- singing a lullaby softly-fills my head, and then there is silence, I shake my head and chuckle to myself, I'm just overtired, I'm hearing things. I make it to the top of the stairs and open the bedroom door "Calum!" (Y/N) gasps, my mouth falls open "when did-how-why didn't you tell me you had-(Y/N) what the hell?" I splutter "I know I know! It was yesterday, I just-I went into labor and I tried to stop it but-I just-I couldn't, it was like I couldn't control my body, I know it's early but the doctor said she was healthy enough to bring home" she babbles, the little baby turns her face towards me and I gasp, for she looks exactly like me, with a shock of black hair, dark brown eyes and tiny pink lips, I kick my shoes off and sit down on the bed, taking her gingerly from (Y/N) "hey sweetie" I whisper, holding her against my bare chest "I can't believe she's here" I breathe, not daring to look away from her "I know, but trust me it's real, it was too painful not to be" (Y/N) chuckles, I bite my lip, guilt washing over me "I'm so sorry I wasn't here babe" I mumble, she shakes her head, snuggling close to me "it wasn't your fault she came early" she says softly "how're you doing though?" I ask, stroking my daughter's cheek gently "okay I guess, unbelievably sore though, when they say labor is painful they are not kidding" she laughs, I tear my eyes away from the now slumbering baby and look at her "I'm sorry baby" I whisper, kissing her lightly.

Ashton: "Hey mom" I greet, stepping in the front door and wrapping my mother in a hug, she hugs me tightly, kissing my cheek "I missed you baby" she giggles, grabbing my hand, she leads me up the stairs and stops outside my old bedroom door "okay (Y/N) may be asleep, so if she is do your best not to wake her, thirty six hours of labor takes a lot out of a woman" she warns, wagging her finger at me "thirty six hours? Shit" I mumble, my eyes wide "so you did everything here? At home?" I ask, my mother nods proudly "we got a midwife to come over and help of course, but it was all here" she smiles "so, you ready to meet your daughter?" She asks, smiling gently, I bite my lip and nod. I walk into the familiar room and sit down gingerly on my old bed, taking (Y/N)'s hand in mine, watching in awe as the little baby in the crib in front of me stirs, her green eyes open slowly and she stares up at me, her tiny pink lips moving as she gurgles, exposing her toothless gums as she begins to cry "hey hey, it's okay my girl" I whisper, scooping her tiny body up and holding her to my chest, I kiss her soft brown curls and stroke her back "I love you" I murmur, watching as she drifts off, her tiny fists clasping my thin t-shirt.

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