"Daddy's Got You"

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Michael: You can hear Michael singing softly in the bathroom, accompanied by your one year old son's gurgles "no don't eat the soap Luca" you hear your husband laugh, followed by a loud thump, a yell of 'fuck' from Michael and Luca's screams

You poke your head around the door to see Michael holding a soapy Luca against his wet shirt, soothing the wailing baby by stroking his back "daddy's sorry Luca, shh it's okay Luca, daddy's got you" he mumbles, kissing the top of the baby's head

"What happened?" You ask gently, maneuvering over the puddles of water and laying your hand over Luca's back "he was all covered in soap and he was wriggling and he slipped and hit his head on the tap and I swear it was an accident babe, I'm not a bad dad am I?" Michael panics, Luca sniffles, sucking on his thumb and laying his head on his father's chest

"Oh Mikey, it's fine" you murmur, kissing his cheek before kissing Luca's head "I feel terrible, look at that, look!" Michael sighs, pointing to a small cut on the back of his son's head "Michael it's fine, you're making a bigger deal over this than Luca is" you giggle, patting his arm, he sighs and kisses Luca's forehead.

Calum: "Arabelle come to daddy" Calum coos, holding his arms out to your one year old daughter, you smile, watching as the baby let's go off the table hesitantly, wavers and grabs it again, giggling

"Oh come on baby, walk for daddy" Calum pleads, making grabby hands at Arabelle "come on Ara, come on, even just one step? Please? For daddy?" He whines, she laughs, letting go of the table again

She takes a few wobbly steps towards Calum, but trips over her feet, landing face first on the tiles, you gasp, "shit" Calum cries, leaping up and scooping her into his arms as she screams "it's okay Belle, shh it's okay, daddy's got you, it's okay" he soothes, holding her tightly against his chest "it's okay" he whispers, kissing the top of her head.

Luke: You watch, smiling as your three year old adjusts the pink bow in her hair and smooths out her tutu, a focused look on her face, she squints in the mirror and nods firmly "there!" She smiles.

You giggle and kiss her forehead "good luck darling, daddy and I will be right in the front row okay?" You say softly, she nods, and runs towards her ballet teacher, waving at you over her shoulder

Sitting back down in your seat next to Luke, you set your head on his shoulder and he kisses your hair as the curtain lifts and you immediately spot Hazel and wave at her, but she doesn't wave back, her blue eyes are wide and her lower lip trembles "uh oh" Luke mumbles

He's up in a flash and on the stage, towering over the tiny girls, Hazel reaches out her arms for him and he picks her up, before hurrying backstage, you follow, briefly apologising to the ballet teacher "There's a lot of big people" you hear Hazel sob, you round a corner and see Luke, his daughter clinging to him, her face buried in his neck and her tiny limbs wrapped around him

"I know, it's scary I know, sometimes I get scared when I go on stage, but it's okay, you don't have to go, I've got you now, daddy's got you baby, okay?" He whispers, stroking her hair, she nods, hiccuping, Luke turns and spots you "she's okay" he mouths and you smile.

Ashton: "Hey babe" Ashton grins, pecking you on the lips, his arms slipping around your waist "hm where's Connor?" He hums, you pull away from him, your eyes wide "Ash! You were meant to pick him up from football practice an hour ago!" You exclaim, hitting his chest

"Shit fuck bloody hell" Ashton groans "I'm so sorry babe! Rehearsals were hectic today and it just slipped my mind!" He explains, grabbing his car keys "don't apologise to me, apologise to your son!" You mutter, shoving him out the door.

Thirty minutes later Ashton stumbles out of his car, running up to Connor's school, he darts around towards the football field and sees his four year old son, rubbing his grubby knuckles over his eyes and sniffling "Connor!" He pants, jogging over to the crying boy

He crouches in front of him and wraps his arms around him "I'm so sorry Connor" he mumbles into Connor's curls "you forgot about me" Connor sniffles, pushing Ashton away, he wipes his nose roughly, smearing dirt over his face

"I'm so sorry bud, I didn't mean to, I'm just under a lot of stress but I promise I'll never do it again okay?" Ashton says softly, a small tear rolls down Connor's cheek and he throws his tiny arms around his father's neck

Ashton sighs in relief and scoops the boy into his arms "daddy's got you bud, and hey what about we go for a little bit of ice cream? Don't tell mommy though" he grins, Connor nods, smiling broadly.

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