Back From Tour

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Michael(His P.O.V): I silently unlock the front door, tiptoeing in silently, I drag my suitcase in as quietly as I can and leave it by the door, discarding my shoes and jacket in the entryway, I make my way to the bedroom, expecting to find (Y/N) in bed already, but I hear the television on in the hall so I peek around the door and spot (Y/N), fast asleep and curled up on the couch, she was waiting for me, I smile, gently scooping her into my arms, I kiss her forehead, so happy to finally be able to see her and hold her again after four months "I missed you so much" I mumble against her hair. I nudge our bedroom door open and lay her down carefully, and as I cuddle up next to her, her eyes flicker open and she smiles "Mikey, you're back" she murmurs drowsily, her voice thick with sleep "yeah baby girl, I am" I whisper, her eyes droop again and she hums, her smile growing larger "I missed you" she breathes.

Luke: You watch as people stream through the airport, searching for Luke's blond hair and blue eyes, but it seems like his flight is late, and your feet hurt, but just as you turn around to make your way back to the seats, you hear your youngest daughter Mariah scream, you laugh as you see her waddling as fast as her chubby legs will take her towards her father's outstretched arms "Jewel, Hadley, Audrey, Xander, dad's back!" You call towards your other kids, they tumble towards you, the triplets and their brother and Luke engulfs all of them in his arms, laughing as they fire endless questions at him "alright alright, relax! Your old dad is tired" he chuckles, he stands up and wraps an arm around your waist "how are you my darling?" He asks, kissing you lightly "very pregnant" you sigh, he smiles sheepishly and kneels down, kissing your enormous stomach "I'm so sorry I haven't been here" he admits, you smile tiredly and run a hand through his hair "it's fine, the kids helped out anyways, didn't you guys?" You grin, all your children nod and Xander smiles widely, showing off his two missing front teeth "we vacuumed, and made the beds, and washed the car, only Mariah didn't do much, but mom said she's only two so it doesn't count" he says proudly "wow you did all that for six months? I'm impressed, and Xander look at that you finally lost your teeth!" Luke smiles, his son beams at him "yeah and he cried like a baby!" Audrey cackles, her sisters join in and Xander shoves her "did not!" He pouts "hey hey no fighting" Luke protests, pointing a finger at his kids "now come on let's go home, I got lots of presents for you guys" he smiles, lifting Mariah onto his shoulders.

Ashton: You adjust your dress again, nervously pacing in the kitchen, the pasta was fine, but the meat had charred and the sauce had over boiled, and now the whole meal was ruined. You chewed on a hangnail, absolutely clueless as to what to do. You froze at the sound of keys in the lock and suddenly Ashton's voice was ringing through the apartment "babe? You home? Baby?" He called, you were silent "shit I'm so horny, but she isn't here...fuck" you heard him mumble to himself. An idea sprang into your head and you dashed to your bedroom, hurriedly stripping off your dress, you tugged on your most provocative lingerie along with a pair of thigh-high black leather boots, hooker boots your mother had called them. You stepped out into the hallway and came face to face with Ashton, whose eyes nearly popped right out of his head at the sight of you "I fucking love you" he growls, pushing you backwards into the room, there is no time wasted on foreplay, he rips your lingerie off, shredding the flimsy lace and leaving you in only your boots "ten months. Ten months I've been dreaming about this" he growls, pushing your knees up by your ears and slipping his length into you, a hiss escapes from between his teeth and he drops his head to your chest, laying hot open-mouthed kisses over your breasts "you have no idea how good your wet little pussy feels wrapped around me so tight like that" he breathes, thrusting into you mercilessly.

Calum(His P.O.V): I lift my suitcase out of the back of the car and heave my bags onto my shoulder, trudging through the snow, I unlock the front door, shivering slightly and close it firmly, I sigh and drop my bags and immediately I am greeted by the excited yapping of Clement, our fuzzy little pomeranian, who leaps about my feet, licking the snow off my jeans "hey bud" I laugh, scratching him behind the ears, he laps at my cold fingers, panting happily "where's the missus? Have you been looking after her while I've been gone?" I grin, I straighten up, dumping my scarf and coat on the couch and kicking off my snow covered boots, I pad up the stairs, trailed by Clement and open the bedroom door silently, (Y/N) is lying there, curled around her bump, it has grown an incredible amount in the three months I've been gone and I smile, knowing that our son must be healthy and happy inside her, Clement jumps onto the bed and licks her nose, making her wake up, sitting up and stretching, her shirt lifting to expose her bump properly to me, it is massive, and it makes her bellybutton stick out, the skin looks strained, stretched tautly over it and I know it must be uncomfortable, her eyes flicker open and she sees me in the doorway "Calum" she giggles, my smile grows and I sit next to her, engulfing her in my arms "I missed you so much" she breathes "I missed you more, and I missed our little boy" I murmur, my hands slipping under her shirt to rub her stomach, Clement leaps on top of us, yapping and wanting attention too, we laugh lying back on the bed as he settles on my stomach "I missed you to Clement" I chuckle, ruffling his fur.

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