He's Your Brother And He Finds A Used Condom

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Calum: "(Y/N) get your ass in here!" Calum shouts from your bedroom, you groan and stomp up the stairs lazily "what do you want?" You snap "don't you take that tone with me young lady, you're the one in the wrong here" he growls

"What on earth are you talking about Cal?" You sigh, rubbing your eyes "this!" He snarls, holding up your trash can, it's completely empty except for one thing, your face flushes bright red and you scratch the back of your neck

"That-that wasn't me Cal" you stammer, he raises his eyebrows at you "well it wasn't me" you mutter, semi truthfully, I mean it wasn't you, you're a girl, and that counts, sorta

"Who was it then?" He asks, his voice dangerously tense "Luke" you squeak, Calum closes his eyes and shakes his head, laughing softly "Luke? Luke Hemmings? You're hooking up with Luke Hemmings? And you thought I wouldn't find out? I thought you were smarter than this sis, I really did" he chuckles

"Why-why are you laughing?" You ask tentatively "because, I'm going to beat him to a pulp" he says, still grinning, his eyes flash with anger and he stalks off, still carrying your trash can and whistling to himself.

Ashton: If looks could kill, the one Ashton was sending your way would have both you and Calum six feet under by now "Ash we're sorry, it-it was a careless mistake" you stammer "oh is that so?" He growls "I know you're just trying to protect your sister, and I respect that" Calum mumbles "oh you do do you?" Ashton spits, Calum nods meekly "we just got a bit carried away" he adds "oh you did?" Ashton snarls

There is silence for a few seconds and then Ashton speaks up "I'm going to give you five seconds to run Calum Hood" he says, his voice is quiet and calm, but deadly and sharp as a knife

"Ash w-we're best friends! We've known each other for-for years" Calum protests "one" "Ash come on, we won't do it again" he pleads "two" "Ashton please!" He begs "three" "Ashton!" He cries, he's on his feet now, backing towards the door "four...better get a move on Hood" Calum swings open the door and dashes out "five" Ashton finishes before dashing out after him.

Luke: "What is this?" Luke asks in disgust, peering over the edge of your bed, you peek over his shoulder and gasp "uh...it's um" you stammer, not looking him in the eyes, he groans and covers his face with his hands "I can't believe this...ugh and with Michael too...I think you and I need to talk" he grumbles

You widen your eyes and shake your head, but Luke ploughs on "I know that at your age sometimes girls feel...um pressured into like sex and stuff, because of their boyfriends and stuff, and I mean you...you're still young, you're only sixteen...Michael is almost nineteen and I just-you know I made an exception letting you two date...but sex, sex is off the table, you're too young...Please (Y/N), I know you like Michael but please please please, for me, don't let him pressure you into sex" he says quietly

"Luke he didn't pressure me, we've kind of been having sex for a few months now, even mom knows" you giggle "oh, well I'm going to go cut off Michael's balls, I'll be back soon" Luke growls, leaving your room.

Michael: "Ashton Irwin, you have a death wish my friend!" Michael roars down the phone before hanging up, after finding a used condom under your bed he went crazy "Michael calm down" you plead "calm down?! (Y/N) I can't believe you're fucking Ashton! Are you insane? You could get pregnant!" Michael bellows

"Michael! You're overreacting! Ashton and I are always safe! Please Mikey!" You beg "don't Mikey me! Honestly you can be so irresponsible sometimes (Y/N)!" He growls, you stare at him, your lip wobbling and your eyes filling with tears "oh I-I'm sorry Mr. Perfect!" You shriek, you try to run off but Michael stops you

"(Y/N) don't cry, please don't cry" he mumbles, pulling you into his chest "I'm just trying to protect you, you're my baby sister and I just...well I just want you to stay as my baby sister, I don't want you to grow up" he mumbles, you laugh shakily "Michael I stopped being your baby sister eight years ago when I made out with Jason Dwight in detention" you chuckle "Jason Dwight huh? Remind me to hunt him down and murder him" he laughs, kissing the top of your head.

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