He Talks About You And The Baby (His P.O.V)

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Ashton: "Hey mom" I say quietly into the phone "hi sweetie" she coos, I can just picture her smile, her blue eyes twinkling "how are you doing?" I ask, stroking (Y/N)'s hair softly so as not to wake her

"Very good, I miss you though" she informs me "I miss you too, Lauren and Harry, how are they?" I add "great great, they're so excited to have a little niece, though Lauren's been a little moody lately, but I think it's just her period or something" she mutters "okay! Way too much information there mom!" I laugh

"Sorry hun, but anyway, how's (Y/N)? And what about the baby?" She giggles "oh great, yeah, we went for a sonogram yesterday and all is going well, (Y/N) still has a touch of morning sickness, but the doctor said it should go soon, but I'm still a little worried" I say, my hand resting over (Y/N)'s bump "you're so good to her Ash" she says happily

"Hey mom, who you talking to?" I hear my sister Lauren ask "Ashton" my mom replies "oh, could I talk to him please?!" She begs, there is a shuffling and soon I hear Lauren over the line "Ash! How's (Y/N)?!" She squeals "ouch, you don't even ask about your own dear big brother" I chuckle

"Obviously I'm gonna ask about you, but I'm going to ask about my pregnant sister in law first" she retorts "well she's great, and guess what?" I grin "what?" She asks "guess" I groan "Ash!" She whines impatiently

"(Y/N) and I decided...we're gonna name the baby...after you, she's going to be Lauren Collette Irwin" I beam, there's silence and then my sister's excited screams fill my ear "oh my god! Ashton! I love you I love you I love you!" She shrieks "Settle down, you'll wake the dead with that noise" I laugh, smiling happily to myself.

Michael: I run my hands through my hair nervously, pacing up and down the waiting room "relax Michael, everything will be fine" my father chuckles, he pats the seat next to him and I sit down, my knee bouncing restlessly

"How was it for you when mum went into labor?" I ask, he laughs quietly and pats my arm "I was worse than you, a complete nervous wreck, I was practically having a panic attack, but I didn't need to, you turned out perfectly fine" he says, smiling fondly

"I'm scared dad, what if something goes wrong? What if something happens to the baby? Or to (Y/N)?" I mutter, fidgeting with my eyebrow piercing "nothing will go wrong trust me, and stop playing with that blasted ring" he orders, slapping my hand away

"Mr. Clifford?" A voice calls, my father and I both look up to see the nurse in front of us "yes?" We say simultaneously "I'm looking for Michael Clifford" she says "that would be me" I mumble, standing up "yes, well congratulations Mr. Clifford, you're now the father of a healthy baby boy" she beams

I can't help the large smile that spreads over my face as my father stands up as well and wraps me in a hug "I told you so" he grins.

Luke: "(Y/N) looks really happy Luke, you're lucky" my father smiles, patting my back "huh, you should have seen her earlier,  she totally lost her shit because she couldn't paint her toenails, then she started crying" I scoff

"Ah yes, mood swings" he laughs "it's crazy, one second she's happier than I've ever seen her and the next she's sobbing over practicality nothing" I exclaim "you'll get used to it" he grins, ruffling my hair "I hope so" I mumble, biting my lip.

Calum: "Oh you look terrible Cal" Mali giggles, walking into the apartment "thanks sis" I mutter "where's my little niece?" She asks, peeking into the hall "out with (Y/N)" I mumble, stifling a yawn and handing her a soda

"Oh, so all I get is you? Boring" she laughs "hmm" I hum, sitting on the couch and shutting my eyes momentarily "what's with you? You're so dull" she asks, giving me a concerned look "I'm exhausted, ever since Lea started walking (Y/N) and I don't get any sleep" I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face

"You should let me take her for a few days" Mali suggests, sitting next to me "oh please, like I'd trust you with my daughter for more than ten hours" I snort, resting my head in her lap "ouch, I'm a great aunt FYI" she states "yeah a great aunt, but you're not quite so skilled in the mom department" I remind her

She laughs and flicks my ear, I stick my tongue out at her and she copies me "I can't believe you're actually twenty four now, you're so immature" she teases "look who's talking" I retort, she rolls her eyes and leans back "I hope Lea takes after (Y/N) when she's older" she grins, and I stick my tongue out at her again.

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