He Leaves You When You're Pregnant And One Of The Other Boys Steps Up

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Luke: "Ashton!" you call, struggling to sit up, he runs into the bathroom and you cover up your body with your hands "are you having the baby?" he asks, barely noticing your nudity in his panic "I'm stuck" you mumble, wriggling in the bathtub

he chuckles and lifts you out "let's get you dressed" he smiles, draping a towel over your shoulders "y'know I can't shave my legs?" you mutter angrily "yupp, you've told me sixteen times this week" he laughs

you waddle into his bedroom and he hands you a 'Green Day' tank top, you tug on your bra and sweatpants and pull the shirt over your head, but it is taut around your stomach and doesn't go below your bellybutton

"ugh nothing fits" you groan, pulling the shirt off "uh just wear one of these" he says, reaching into the back of the closet and producing a dress shirt, you stick your arms into the sleeves but don't bother buttoning it "there, you look great" he smirks "haha, if I wasn't pregnant I would punch you for staring at my boobs" you mutter, flicking his forehead, he laughs

there's a knock on the door downstairs and he holds up his finger, he darts down the stairs and you waddle after him, you peer through the banister and your breath catches in your throat, because standing at the door is Luke, his hair messy, his eyes dull, looking completely worn out.

"You have some nerve showing up here again" Ashton hisses, 'again' echoes through your mind, he's come more than once "Ash...please, I'm begging you, please, let me see her" Luke croaks, your heart breaks seeing him so upset and you want to run down and hug him, but the familiar wave of anger courses through your body and you stay put, watching with rapt attention

"you told her you didn't want that baby Luke, your baby for the matter" Ashton snaps "well what would you have done? You know I'm not ready to be a father!" Luke says desperately "well then what are you doing here?" Ashton snarls "I'm not ready for this, but I'm willing to try" Luke mumbles, running a hand through his hair

"oh you're willing to try? After eight and a half months you're willing to try?" Ashton sneers, crossing his arms over his chest "Luke you're not the one who was there for (Y/N) through the shock and heartbreak, you didn't hold her hair back when she woke up at three am puking her guts out, you didn't take her to her first doctor's appointment, you didn't drive around the whole town at midnight looking for freaking caviar when she had cravings,  you didn't cuddle her when she cried or let her yell at you about the stupidest things, you didn't buy a bunch of pink baby clothes and plan baby names with her when you found out it was a girl, you weren't the one who felt the baby kick for the first time, you're not the one who stayed up with her all night long when she couldn't get comfortable, and you're not the one who's going to be there with her in the delivery room holding her hand when she goes into labor, so give up Luke, she hates you" Ashton snarls

your heart hurts and tears fill your eyes, but your mind tells you that Ashton's right, you watch as Ashton closes the door in Luke's face and you slump against the wall, he climbs up the stairs and spots you "was I too harsh?" he mumbles, you shake your head "he deserves what he got, I would rather my daughter grow up without a father than with him as her dad" you sniffle

he sits next to you and wraps his arms around you "she won't grow up without a father, not while I'm around at least" he murmurs and kisses your temple softly, your heart swells and you shift closer to him, crying harder, but your tears are tears of joy "you are such an amazing guy Ash" you sob "anything for you" he smiles, you are extremely happy but a tiny part of your brain keeps picturing Luke, his look of defeat when Ashton closed the door, and you try to banish the image but it keeps niggling at your mind.

Calum: "You need to man the fuck up and apologise for all that bullshit you said to (Y/N), I can't believe you told her to have an abortion, what the fuck dude? That's your child whether you like it or not, and you need to step up and take this responsibility, you can't just tell her to get an abortion or get lost!" you hear Michael yell

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