Daddy Duties While You're Pregnant (His P.O.V)

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Ashton: I watch (Y/N) as she walks up and down, rocking Audrey gently in her arms, but our eighteen month old daughter is refusing to fall asleep even though it's way past her usual bedtime, I can see (Y/N) is tired out, and seeing as she is pregnant with our second child she's feeling very emotional "here let me" I murmur, taking Audrey from her arms and kissing her softly "you get some rest okay baby? You need it" I say firmly, balancing a giggly Audrey on my hip, she immediately reaches up and grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking hard "ow Audrey! We don't pull people's hair Audrey!" I exclaim, setting her down on the floor, she immediately stands up, whining and hugging my legs "dada up?" She whimpers, pouting, I instantly feel bad for yelling at her and scoop her into my arms "I'll take her for a drive, that should put her to sleep" I murmur, brushing a strand of hair behind (Y/N)'s ear, she nods, a tired smile on her face, I kiss her forehead, my hand resting on her bump "go to sleep yeah?" I whisper, she nods and kisses Audrey's head before trailing up the stairs. "Okay Audrey, we're going out" I grin, buckling my daughter into her car seat and handing her floppy blue lion to her, she giggles, chewing her lion's ear happily "don't chew Geegee" I laugh, moving the drool covered toy away from her mouth "Geegee like!" She insists, making a show of slobbering over Geegee's ear, I chuckle and ruffle Audrey's curls, climbing into the front seat, and soon we are cruising around the neighbourhood. Peeking into the rear view mirror, I can see Audrey looking out the window, now chewing Geegee's tail laboriously, her eyes blinking drowsily, I smile to myself, knowing she'll be fast asleep soon. Minutes later, I pull into our driveway again, I get out, closing my door silently and ease Audrey out of her car seat, holding her gently against my chest and tucking Geegee into my pocket, I lock the car and quietly enter the house, padding into the nursery, I kiss Audrey's fluffy head and gingerly set her into her crib with Geegee, smiling as I make my way to the bedroom, where (Y/N) is sleeping, I kick off my shoes and slip into bed next to her, pulling her into my arms and drifting off to sleep.

Calum: "No Cisco don't spit it out please" I mumble, scooping the mashed peas back into my eleven month old daughter's mouth "c'mon my girl, I made it just the same as mummy does" I plead, she whines, trying to wriggle out of her high chair, her big brown eyes filling with tears "baby please, you have to eat" I sigh, she starts screaming, tugging at her bib and kicking her legs "Cisco you've got to eat, throwing a tantrum won't change that" I yell over the sound of her screams, I drop the bowl of food on the kitchen table and scoop her up, holding her against my hip just as (Y/N) comes in, rubbing her temples, wordlessly she takes Cisco from me, soothing her "I'm sorry" I whisper, (Y/N) sits at the table and holds a spoon of food towards Cisco, but she turns her head away, whining "you see? She won't eat" I say, desperately trying to defend myself, (Y/N) sticks her pinky finger into the food and sighs "you didn't warm it up Cal" "oh..." I look down, my face heating up, I feel (Y/N)'s hand against my cheek and I meet her eyes sheepishly, she giggles and presses her lips against mine softly "it's okay, I kind of expected this anyways" she chuckles, opening the cupboard and pulling out a bottle of milk, I grin, shaking my head "you have no faith in me" I pout "I married you didn't I?" She laughs, setting Cisco in her high chair and giving her the bottle, I wrap my arm around her waist, rubbing her stomach "you are going to like daddy's cooking little man, your big sister is just fussy like mummy" I smirk, kissing her bumb.

Luke: "Damien come on, get in the bath" I sigh, pulling my four year old son off the door and carrying him-kicking and screaming-to the bathtub "no! Don't wanna bath!" he screams, grabbing onto the towel rack "Damien let go of that" I order, he shakes his head stubbornly and I groan "I'll give you a dollar" I offer "make it two" "one fifty" he releases the towel rack and I grin, plopping him in the bubble filled water, he grabs a rubber duck and a Superman toy from his basket of bath toys and instantly starts playing some sort of war game with them, I chuckle, rubbing shampoo into his blond hair, being careful not to get it in his eyes-a mistake I've made one too many times-"don't splash water on the floor my man, or else we'll both be in trouble with mommy" I warn him, teasing his hair into a quiff absentmindedly, I hum to myself and he looks up at me with his big blue eyes "why didn't you tell me you were a turtle daddy?" He asks, completely serious "er what?" I laugh, grabbing the shower head to rinse the shampoo out of his hair "uncle Mikey showed me a picture of when you were all ninja turtles" he says earnestly, closing his eyes as the warm water washes over his face "ohhh that" I laugh, scooping him out and wrapping a towel around him "that was so long ago...yeah, me, uncle Mikey, uncle Cal, and uncle Ash were all turtles for a video we did, and a concert also. I was eighteen then, that was eleven years ago buddy" I muse, drying him off and helping him into his Thomas The Tank Engine pyjamas "I wanna be a ninja turtle also daddy" "I'm sure something can be arranged" I chuckle, lifting him off the wet floor and carrying him to bed.

Michael: "Where are you going?" I ask as (Y/N) passes me in the corridor "to the twin's r-" "oh no you don't, I told you to get some rest, you don't need to check on the twins every two minutes, what you need to be doing is sleeping, the doctor already told you your blood pressure is low at the moment, so don't overexert yourself, they are too much of a handful for you at the moment" I steer her back towards our bedroom and help her ease into bed "Michael they can't go to bed without a bedtime story" she protests, rubbing her hands over her stomach-where our second set of twins is nestled inside her-"why don't you let me deal with the little monsters tonight hm?" I chuckle, placing my hands over hers and kissing her softly "okay fine" she sighs against my lips and I smirk, pulling away slowly "oh don't forget, Alistair likes his nightlight on all night so don't put it off, and make sure his inhaler his with him, he's always losing it, and Alison still needs to brush her teeth, she ran off after dinner, so make su-" "you stress too much baby girl, I know what I'm doing" I laugh, winking at her as I leave the room. As soon as I close the door I start repeating her instructions like a mantra "nightlight, inhaler, toothbrushing, nightlight, inhaler, toothbrushing" as I make my way to the twins bedroom. "Where's mommy?" Alison asks as I sit in between my two six year olds, 'Horton Hears A Who!' In my hand "mommy is resting baby girl, she's really tired" I explain, opening up the book and starting to read "on the fifteenth of May, in the jungle of Nool, in the heat of the day, in the cool of the pool, he was splashing, enjoying the jungle's great joys, when Horton the Elephant, heard a small noise-" "A who!" Alistair yells excitedly, his sister shushes him and I chuckle. As I near the end of the story, I notice both the twins have dropped off to sleep, Alistair leaning on my shoulder and Alison in my lap "I guess I'll just bunk with you guys tonight" I muse, setting the book on the night stand and easing the twins into more comfy positions, I press a kiss to their foreheads and pull the blanket over us, groaning quietly as I stretch my legs out, only to realise that they are too long for the kiddie bed "I'm going to regret this in the morning" I mumble, closing my eyes and drifting off.

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