He Uses Australian Slang And You Don't Understand

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Michael: "Hey baby, Luke called, said he's having a little barbie over at his place, wanna go?" Michael asks, glancing up at you from his phone "he's having a-a what?" You ask, thoroughly confused "a barbie...you know a barbecue" he laughs "ohh...sure, sounds like fun" you grin.

Ashton: "So the other day right, I was talking to Cal, and he said he was going to take his sheila to Tahiti for the summer, and I thought maybe we could go with them" Ashton suggests, raising his eyebrows "Sheila? Who's Sheila? Has he got a new girlfriend?" You ask, frowning "no no! Hah, no, sheila just means, like girl, we say it over in Australia" he laughs.

Luke: "You're quite the little roo ain't ya?" Luke chuckles, his hands on your stomach, feeling his son kick "roo? What on earth is that?" You ask "oh uh kangaroo, cause you know kangaroos have really powerful kicks...we've got lots of them in Australia... and I'm from Australia...which is why I said that and...yeah" he explains "you are so damn awkward" you laugh, kissing him lightly.

Calum: "Hey babe, where are the thongs?" Calum asks, searching through your beach bag "uh I left them at the hotel...I didn't think we'd be needing them...at the beach" you mumble, blushing slightly "of course we need them at the beach, the sand is super hot" he whines, you stare at your boyfriend and blink "how would barely there, lace panties help?" You ask blankly, Calum bursts out laughing and then shakes his head "I keep forgetting that you don't know the Australian words, what we call thongs is what you call like flip flops" he chuckles, kissing you briefly.

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