You Text The Wrong Boy

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Michael: You-*Hey babe, could you please buy me a pack of tampons on your way back home?*

Ashton-*This is Ashton lol you might wanna be more careful next time you send a message, but I'll be sure to tell Mikey*

You- *Sorry Ash! It's the period brain*

Ashton- *TMI TMI*

Calum: You- *Will you be home soon baby? Because I think you should know that there's a naked woman lying in your bed waiting for you*

Michael- *I think the two of you should get started, and Cal should be joining you shortly, btw this is Michael and that was hilarious*

You- *Oh jeez I'm so sorry Mikey, you better not tell anyone about this you little shit*

Michael- *Don't worry, it'll be between me you and the naked lady in Calum's bed*

You- *Haha you think you're so funny dontcha?*

Michael- *Funny enough to show this to Cal, Ash and Luke ;)*

Ashton: You- *You left some pretty mean bruises on me last night babe ;)*

Luke- *Huh?*

You- *I'm all sore, you'll have to go easy tonight*

Luke- *I think you might want to check who you're messaging*

You- *Oh god Luke! This is embarrassing!*

Luke: *Yeah...and Ash said he'll be more gentle :/*

You: *You showed this to Ashton???? Are you insane??? Now we'll never hear the end of it!!*

Luke: You-*Hey Lukey, how's everything on tour? I went for a check up today and guess what??? We're having a boy!! Yeah, I wish you were there, it was incredible :) nearly cried ha. Miss you!*

Calum- *I can't believe you guys are having a boy!!! This is so cool holy shit! Oh yeah it's Cal by the way, not Luke, but I'll show him the message, he's gonna be so happy! But ahhhh a boy congrats!! I can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle!!!"

Me- *Oh sorry Cal, but yeah a boy! Looking forward to the long nights and dirty diapers lmfao, dw Luke and I will leave you and the guys a few diapers to change ;)*

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