He Forgets An Important Event

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Calum: "Babe? Why won't you talk to me? What did I do?" Calum asks, looking worried, he touches your arm and you jerk away from him, he looks hurt but you are too angry to care, he racks his brain, wondering what he did to make you so mad, and then he spots all the 'Congratulations' cards on your nightstand and it hits him

"fuck! Oh my god! I'm such a shitty boyfriend! Of course! Today was your graduation! Babe, I'm so sorry! So, so sorry, I meant to come I did! I really wish I was there (Y/N)! Fuck I'm an asshole! I just totally forgot! We had to go into the studio today, and Ashton was sick and it was just really stressful and it just slipped my mind...and I'm sorry" he babbled, hanging his head

you sigh and he pulls you into his arms, littering kisses over your face "please forgive me baby, I swear I'll make it up to you, look we'll go out for dinner tomorrow,  where ever you want, and I'll take you shopping, I'll take you to France" he rambles "okay" you giggle pressing your lips to his to shut him up.

Luke: You wake up late to find that Luke has already left, on the kitchen table you find a note saying: Sorry, got called in to the studio super early, I'll pick you up later to go to the airport. You shake your head and take out your phone, reading all the birthday text messages you have received, searching for one from Luke but finding nothing

your best friend calls to see if you want to hang out, but you lie and say you have plans with Luke, before heading back to bed with a large tub of Ben and Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake flavoured ice cream, and tears in your eyes.

When Luke picks you up you wipe your eyes and pretend not to be crying "hey babe" he smiles "hey" you say cheerfully, you talk normally all the way to the airport, convincing yourself that he's going to surprise you there, but when you arrive he says goodbye to you at the gate and he and the rest of the boys dissappear

"Luke!" you yell, he turns round and you glare at him "you forgot my birthday you dick!" you shout, storming out, tears flowing freely down your face.

Michael: "Michael Clifford, you are officially an asshole" you snap, glaring at your boyfriend "what? Why? What did I do?" he asks "you forgot to come to Elisia's play, she's devastated Michael, she's been up in her room crying since we got back, you promised her you'd come and you let her down!" you say angrily

"she's old enough to know that sometimes people break promises" Michael grumbles "she's six Michael! For godsake, she really wanted you to be there, she saved you a spot right in the front row and you weren't there, instead you were out drinking with your friends! What kind of father are you?" you yell

he hangs his head "I'll go talk to her" he mumbles, leaving you at the bottom of the stairs.

Ashton: "I can't believe you forgot our anniversary! That's the third time in a row Ashton!" you sob into your hands "baby, I'm sorry" he pleads

"no you're not! The stupid thing is, I actually thought you'd try this year, I was so caught up in what I was doing for you, that I didn't even ask you! I made you a whole three course dinner, from scratch, by myself, and I spent ten hours doing it, while you just sat on your ass and did nothing!" you weep

"please babe I'm sorry!" he begs "no Ashton! I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I was so blind, that I couldn't even see that I'm the only one trying in this relationship, sorry Ashton, but I'm done" you say, you walk out the door, slamming it hard.

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