Morning After

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Calum: You'd wake up slowly, to the sunlight filtering through the blinds and the singing of a robin, the bed next to you would be empty and you'd pull Calum's sweater over your head, the collar slipping down to expose your shoulder, you would pad down the stairs and follow your nose to the kitchen, where you would find Calum-muscled back on display, the bright red scratches contrasting with his tanned skin-frying a pan of sausages in his sweatpants, he'd turn around and give you a tired smile "I was going to bring you breakfast in bed baby" he'd murmur, pulling you closer to him, he'd kiss your shoulder lightly, his lips lingering over the dark lovebites from the previous night "well I can go back to bed" you'd giggle, stroking his abs teasingly "you do that, you naughty little girl" he'd smirk, and give you a light tap on the bottom, you'd squeal playfully and scurry back to bed, where he'd soon join you, bringing you breakfast on a tray.

Luke: You'd wake up and he'd still be inside you, he'd have his legs tangled with yours, his arms around you and his lips still brushing yours, you'd move your head a little and his eyes would flutter open, bleary and groggy "hey babe" he'd breathe, his rough morning voice making your skin prickle, he'd pull you closer to him, your chest pressing against his until there was no more space between the two of you, he'd lace his fingers with yours and kiss you softly "if only I could wake up like this everyday" he'd chuckle, with a slight touch wistfulness, then he'd stroke your hair until you drifted back to sleep.

Ashton: You'd wake up to dimpled smile and a soft kiss "baby, last night...was so incredible" he'd whisper, his fingers brushing beneath your top to graze your stomach, you'd nod but grimace "what is it?" He'd ask "I'm so sore" you'd admit, your voice barely above a whisper, his smile would vanish and he'd pull you closer, your back pressed to his chest "I'm sorry baby" he'd murmur, kissing the base of your neck gently "if you want...I can kiss it better?" He'd offer, a smirk creeping onto his face, and with that he'd dissappear beneath the covers.

Michael: You'd wake up to him mumbling your name in his sleep "mm (Y/N) just like that baby" he'd mutter, thrusting slightly against you and tightening his grip on your waist, seconds later he'd relax, his boner digging into your leg and a tiny smile on his sore lips, his eyes would open and he'd see you, his smile spreading wider as he'd greet you with a sloppy kiss "just the person I wanted to see...I've got a bit of a problem, and I think you can solve it" he'd murmur, grinding his boner harder against you, he'd sit back on his knees, brushing the sheets away from his naked body, and pull you into his lap, sinking you down on him for round two.

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