You're Sore/Uncomfortable During Your Pregnancy

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Ashton: Ashton is due back from a two week promo trip soon, and you are in a frenzy, trying to make everything perfect, you are vacuuming the living room as the pie bakes in the oven when suddenly you hear the door unlock and Ashton appears, smiling broadly "I missed you babe" he chuckles, scooping you up and twirling you around, he sets you down and kisses your stomach "and I missed you my little princess" he murmurs, he straightens up, his smile wide, and his hazel eyes light up as they land on your chest "this is new" he mumbles, feasting his eyes on your swollen breasts, a smirk playing over his lips "stop being a pervert, these are no longer yours" you giggle, he raises an eyebrow cockily, his hands settling on your hips "we'll see about that" he grins, one hand brushes over your hard nipple and you yelp, pulling away from him "what? What's wrong?" He asks, you blush, covering your chest "they're just-just sore" you stammer, he chuckles and kisses you lightly "I'm sorry" he murmurs, helping you lie on the couch.

Michael: You come into the bedroom, a laundry basket balanced on your hip, stripping off the old sheets from your bed for washing, Michael sits on the floor, watching you "sure you don't need help babe?" He asks, you glare at him, you are having a bit of a mood swing, so he gives up, you stoop to pick up a fallen pillow case, and suddenly pain shoots up your spine, you cry out in shock and grab the headboard with one hand, your bump with the other, still bent over, pain flaring up and down your back "(Y/N)?!" Michael yells, hurrying to your side "m-my back" you choke, tears blurring your vision "shh look it's okay, it's okay, can you straighten up?" He asks, you grit your teeth as the pain heightens, before disappearing completely, panting, you stand up and he envelops you in his arms "oh god you scared me so much" Michael mumbles into your hair, he gently lowers you onto the bare mattress, kissing your forehead "stay right here, I'm going to call the doctor" he says firmly, disappearing downstairs. Minutes later he returns, a look of joy on his face "he said it means you might be going into labor sometime soon, and that was probably just a mild contraction" he grins, climbing into bed with you and pulling you into his arms.

Luke: You sigh, rubbing your hands repeatedly over your stomach "what's wrong babe?" Luke asks, worry etched over his face as he moves closer to you on the couch "these" you groan, lifting your shirt for him to see the stretch marks on your skin "oh baby girl, you're not worried about these again? Look I told you-" "its not that Luke, they just, they hurt, and they skin just feels so tight, and I can practically feel it stretching all the time" you sniff, dropping your head onto Luke's shoulder "oh babe, I know it's uncomfortable, but it'll all be worth it in the end okay?" He whispers, stroking your hair "all I want, is a hot bath" you croak, Luke sighs softly, pulling you closer to him "I know sweetie, but you know what the doctor said; hot water could affect the baby negatively" he murmurs, you nod, tears falling down your face "I know" you whisper, Luke's large hands run over your baby bump, his rough fingers soothing you and you hum, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Calum: You sigh, rubbing your hands over your stomach in an attempt to calm your baby "please stop kicking so hard, it hurts" you whimper, you feel another sharp kick and you groan, curling more tightly around your bump "darling what's wrong?" Calum mumbles, rubbing his eyes as he sits up, his voice rough from sleep "the baby is so wiggly, and I'm so tired Cal, but he keeps kicking me in the ribs" you sniff, wiping your tears away with your sleeve, you feel another kick and you bite your lip "it hurts Cal, but I don't know how to stop him" you croak, Calum wriggles closer to you and helps you sit up "here we go my girl, sit up straight-keep your back straight, and now deep breaths for me, slowly" he says softly, one hand on your belly, the other on your back, he breathes with you, his soft brown eyes on yours, soon the kicks cease and you smile "he's stopped" you whisper, laying your hand over Calum's "good, now get some rest babe, you need your strength" he grins, pressing a soft kiss to your lips and helping you back under the covers again.

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