Brotherly Advice (His P.O.V)

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Calum: "Hey (Y/N) what's wrong?" I ask, glancing up at my fuming sister, she huffs and sits down next to me "mom won't get off my back about my fucking grades" she mutters

"Well what did you get?" I chuckle "nothing above a C" she mumbles, scowling at her shoes, my grin drops and I sit up "what? You're kidding right? What happened to you? Two years ago all you ever got was A's" I snap

"Oh don't you start too!" She whines "no (Y/N) this is serious! Your IGCSE's are just around the corner, you can't slack off!" I say firmly "says the dropout" she mutters under her breath

"I only dropped out because I have a job, that pays, in case you haven't realised, being in a successful band earns quite a lot of money, and also I did my IGCSE exams and I passed" I growl

She rolls her eyes "well I'm trying okay?" She snaps "clearly not hard enough! If you spent less time sucking face and more time actually studying maybe you'd actually be getting somewhere!" I exclaim

"Are you implying I'm a slut?" She screeches "if the shoe fits" I retaliate "oh my god! I come over here to talk and you call me a slut?" She yells "no! I'm just saying that, some of the activities you partake in with boys would be deemed slutty by society!" I snarl

She glares at me and I glare back "you're just as bad as mum!" She hisses "I'm just trying to help you!" I protest "look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted you, it was childish, I just-I want what's best for my baby sister, and hanging out with the crowd you do isn't going to get you that" I add

She sighs and glances up at me "I'm sorry for being such a bitch...and I guess I could try harder" she whispers, I grin and wrap my arm around her shoulders, kissing her head.

Michael: "(Y/N) you can't go out with him anymore okay? End of conversation!" I growl, marching my little sister up the stairs and to her room "you can't control my life Michael, I like him" she snaps, yanking her arm away from me

"That's just too bad! I'm not going to allow you to see him! All he wants is sex okay? He's going to use you and dump you the first chance he gets, and I'll be the one who has to pick up the pieces" she rolls her eyes, glaring daggers at me

"Don't be stupid Michael! And anyway, you used to be a bad boy when you were his age and you turned out fine" she yells, I groan and rub my hands over my face

"That's exactly my point (Y/N)! I was just like him when I was nineteen! I know what he's thinking (Y/N)! And the first chance he gets, he'll get you drunk, fuck you, and then dump you over a text!" I shout, pulling at my hair

"Please (Y/N)? I just wouldn't be able to bear it if you got hurt bumblebee" I murmur, using her old childhood nickname "fine I'll talk to him, but only as long as you promise to stop calling me bumblebee" she sighs

I nod, smiling widely, I hook my pinky finger with hers and hug her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Luke: I look up as my little sister comes into the living room, she ducks her head and tries to dodge past me but I grab her wrist, she groans and turns her face away "hey hey hey...what's wrong?" I ask softly

She shrugs, sniffing loudly "are you crying (Y/N)?" I mumble "no!" She snaps, trying to jerk her wrist from my grip, her voice is thick and strained, a sure sign of someone who has been crying

"What happened?" I ask, pulling her into my arms, she rests her head against my chest and lets out a shaky breath "it's Tyler...I-I-he's cheating on me" she croaks

"You're kidding right? You guys have been together for three years" I gasp, Tyler was the first boyfriend of hers that I had really liked and actually approved of.

"I don't know...w-what to do" she croaks "dump him, you deserve better" I say firmly, stroking her back gently.

Ashton: "Please wait till you're eighteen" I beg, gripping her shoulders tightly "I don't wanna talk about this with you Ash, I told you" she grumbles, attempting to shrug me off

"(Y/N) come on this is serious! Just listen! I'm trying to protect you!" I exclaim, she sighs "your virginity is important and special, and just please please I'm begging you, don't sleep around" I say gently

She rolls her eyes at me "whatever Ashton, it's none of your business anyway" she mutters, blush creeping into her cheeks as she tries to pull away

"You are still a virgin...right?" I ask, panic rising in my voice, her eyes dart away and she purses her lips, which on further inspection, look sore and swollen...from kissing

"(Y/N)!" I snap, she yanks out of my grip, turning her back on me "it was only once!" She protests "and please keep it that way" I mumble "I don't want you getting a...a reputation with those pervs in your school" I warn her.

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