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Michael(First Ultrasound): You watch the screen intently, you barely feel the nurse squeezing the cool gel on your stomach, or Michael's hand slipping into yours, a blurry grey picture comes up "look, that's what it's like inside you" Michael whispers, you giggle, not daring to blink, "that's funny" the nurse murmurs to herself "what? Is something wrong?" Michael asks, panic rising in his voice "I'm not sure, let me go and fetch the doctor, don't worry" she says cooly, before hurrying out of the room

You grip Michael's hand tightly, your heart hammering in your chest "it's fine, we're fine, our little one is fine, it's fine" he murmurs, kissing your temple, the nurse comes back in, followed by a doctor "hello I'm Doctor Green, nurse Fitzgerald tells me she's having a little bit of trouble finding your baby's heartbeat, but don't worry, we'll get it" he smiles, coming over to you

"Now it's most likely your baby is simply lying in a position where it's hard for us to see it" he states, Michael's sweaty hand grips yours tighter and soon the fuzzy black and grey image is back, and along with it a violent thrumming sound "oh that's curious" Doctor Green says "what is?" Michael asks desperately "I seem to be picking up not one, but two heart beats" "what you mean like...twins?" Michael breathes "yes exactly, and if you look over here-" the doctor pointed at the screen

There were something that looked like two little gummy babies amongst the grey "there you go, two healthy babies" he grins, you tear your eyes away from the screen and look up at Michael, he has tears in his eyes and a small smile on his face as he looks at you "thank you" he whispers, kissing you softly.

Luke(His P.O.V): "I nearly passed out, I'm serious, like first this guy starts poking around in her and he brings his hand out and it's got all this blood on it! I mean why is there blood? What the hell?!" I exclaim, Michael shudders "what like he put his hand like into her...y'know?" He asks, I nod and he makes a face "and he kept saying...vagina" I hiss

Ashton bursts out laughing and I glare at him "it was traumatic, I think he liked saying it, it was like every opportunity he got he was waffling on about vaginas and the cervix and the ovaries and all sorts of other parts and he was talking about (Y/N)'s womb, which is like where the baby grows or something" I grumble, Michael groans, shaking his head

"And then no joke, this guy takes out this huge like plastic stick and freaking stuffs it up her...well her vagina! It was horrible, and it looked painful! And he looked at me and laughed cause I was practically shiting myself and he goes "it's much to early to go through the abdomen, so we have to go through the vagina" and I nearly strangled him" I mutter

Calum and Michael grimace, while Ashton chuckles quietly "so did you see the baby?" He asks, and suddenly I feel a smile form on my face "yeah, it was a bit wobbly and funny looking, but I mean it was just there, I don't know what I expected but seeing it just made it so real" I say softly "and the heartbeat is crazy fast, it's like Ash drumming in hyper speed" I add, they all grin, Calum pats my shoulder "bet you cried" he laughs, I blush, ducking my head "shut up Cal" I mumble.

Ashton(First Ultrasound): His knee is bouncing as the two of you sit in the waiting room, he bites his lip and runs his long fingers through his hair "Ash relax" you hiss, laying your hand on his knee "I'm nervous" he mumbles, biting on a hangnail "Mrs. Irwin?" The receptionist calls, you stand and grab Ashton's hand, following a nurse into the examining room

You lie on the bed and she lifts your shirt, squirting a clear blueish gel onto your stomach "are you ready to take a look at your baby?" She asks, you nod, and watch as she moves the wand around, applying a light pressure, you are distracted by a sudden thumping from the machine next to you, it sounds a bit like a train's wheels moving in fast forward "that's the baby's heartbeat"

"It's so fast" Ashton whispers, gripping your hand tightly, the screen flickers to life and a greyish picture emerges, there is a slightly less grey bit directly in the middle, the nurse points to this and smiles "it doesn't look like much yet, but that's your baby" she grins, you gasp and Ashton kisses your forehead, you look up at him and smile "are you crying Ash?" "No I'm just...that's-that's our baby" he stammers, a tear sliding down his face, you nod, your own eyes filling with tears.

Calum (Finding Out The Gender): "I'm telling you babe, it's a girl" he states as you sit on the side of the little bed together, waiting for the doctor "what makes you say that?" You laugh "because I know the exact time she was conceived, it was that time when we kept almost doing it but then not because you said your period was due, and then remember the day before your period started we did it for like six hours straight, and I read one of your pregnancy books and it said if you have sex at the beginning of the ovulation period its more likely to be a girl cause the Y chromosomes are faster but they are weaker so they die out while waiting for an egg and the X chromosomes just wait it out...or something like that,  and so therefore we are having a girl" he smirks

You roll your eyes and lie down "I'm still pretty sure it's a boy" you mumble as the doctor comes bustling in "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting Mrs. Hood" he apologises,  hurriedly applying the cold gel to your stomach, you shrug and soon the familiar sound of the baby's heartbeat fills the room, you smile and squeeze Calum's hand

"Everything looks good, perfectly healthy for seventeen weeks, you can see your baby moving about now, very energetic today" the doctor grins, pointing to the screen, you smile and Calum strokes your hair "and can you tell the gender yet?" He asks hopefully, his brown eyes still fixed to the screen "well it looks like...you are having a little girl, congratulations!" The doctor announces

Calum smiles, his eyes filling with tears "Cal I thought you wanted a girl" you whisper, gripping his fingers "I did-I do-its just so real now...our baby girl, I love her so much already, and I'm going to spoil her rotten and protect her from everything" he breathes, crouching next to you and kissing you softly "she's all ours" he chokes.

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