You Cuddle With One Of The Other Boys

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Michael: You lean against Calum, your eyes drooping, it's four am and the boys are still up, watching Mean Girls since you and Luke insisted, but you've seen it millions of times before and you are completely exhausted anyways.

You snuggle against Calum's side and he wraps his arm around you "hey Mikey, pass me that blanket (Y/N)'s fallen asleep" he whispers, tapping your boyfriend's arm, soon you feel a blanket draped over your body and your eyes flutter open "I-I'm not sleeping" you mumble, before closing your eyes again.

Calum: "Luke where's Cal?" you whine "he's still in the studio, he's doing some work on his solos" Luke answers "I'm getting lonely out here! And bored!" you grumble "well I'll stay with you till he's done, he'll only be five minutes tops" Luke chuckles "but it's not the same, I can't make out with you" you pout "no you cannot, that is true...I mean you can, but I don't think Cal would be particularly thriled about that...but we can still cuddle" he grins

he lies down next to you on the couch and pulls you close to him so your head is pressed against his chest, moments later Calum walks in "erm whatcha doin'?" he asks "cuddling" you mumble, your voice muffled by Luke's shirt "I can see that, but uh why?" he laughs "cause I was getting lonely, and we were just gonna cuddle until you came out but this is really comfy" you explain

"okay, I'll just go, and sit over there, by myself, and watch my best friend cuddle with my girlfriend, by myself, without anyone to cuddle, just over in that lonely corner, just Calum, no one else, lonely, I am so lonely, my girlfriend left me to cuddle with the blond" he mumbles "okay okay I'm coming" you laugh.

Ashton: You keep your eyes trained on the screen, singing along softly to 'Slipping Through My Fingers' from Mamma Mia! You sniffle, and wipe your eyes "what's wrong (Y/N)?" Michael asks from next to you "I miss my mom" you mumble

"aw, I know how you feel, I get homesick pretty often" he reassures you, pulling you into his arms, he strokes your back slowly as you cry "hey what's wrong?" your boyfriend Ashton asks, walking in "(Y/N)'s a bit homesick" Michael tells him "oh" he mumbles, he sits next to you "well this was meant to be a surprise...but, I was planning on taking you to visit your parents for Christmas" he says softly

"god Ash I freaking love you, you know that?" you sob, moving over to him, he laughs, wrapping his arms around you.

Luke: "Y/N can you cuddle with me?" Ashton asks, giving you the puppy dog face "sure" you chuckle, you scoot closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder, your arms wrapped around his torso

he drapes his arms around your waist and lays his head on top of yours "I like cuddling with you you're so cuddleable" he mumbles "that's not even a word" you giggle "t'is now" he smirks "(Y/N) what are you doing cuddling Ash when I'm over here? I want cuddles too" Luke pouts

"I know but how could I refuse that face?" you ask, snuggling closer to Ashton "what about me?" Luke whines "you're cute to, but you get a lot more than cuddles from me so I think it's Ashton's turn" you giggle, making Luke pout.

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