"I Really Need To Pee"

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Ashton: "Ash I really need to pee" you whisper in Ashton's ear "babe you went two minutes ago" he mutters, glancing at the cameras "yeah but your sons seem to think it's a fun game to jump on my fucking bladder" you hiss, crossing your legs tightly "two minutes babe, okay? Please we're live at the moment and I'll get in a ton of trouble if I just leave" he mumbles "Ash I'm literally two seconds from pissing myself" you say urgently "do you think you can go on your own?" He asks, you shake your head "I don't know the way, and the stall is so cramped and I'm so huge, y'know seeing as I am carrying your twin boys" you growl "alright alright, let's go" he grumbles, he alerts the interviewer that you are leaving and then grabs your hand, guiding you to the bathroom "you're lucky I love you guys so much" he mutters, pressing a kiss to your swollen stomach when you come out of the stall.

Michael: "Ah fuck, gimme a second, I really need to pee" Michael mutters, breaking the kiss and climbing off you "can't you wait till after?" You whine, pulling the bedsheets over your naked body "would you like me to piss in you when I cum?" He asks, raising his eyebrows, you scowl and flop back on the pillows, he laughs and pads into the en suite bathroom, not bothering to close the door, after about a minute there hasn't been any noise and Michael isn't back yet "you okay in there Mikey?" You ask, trying to peer into the bathroom "yeah, I'm fine" he grunts, there is a silence and then you hear a few short tinkling noises of bursts of pee hitting the toilet bowl "fuck this hurts" Michael mutters, two minutes later you hear more peeing and a groan from Michael "what are you doing in there?" You ask nervously "I'm peeing! But it's hard!" He yells, you are confused "what?" You ask "peeing with a boner is hard as fuck, and it hurts too" Michael whines, a minute later he comes back out, grimacing "you might not wanna go in there for a while, I swear I'll clean up after this...it's just a bit hard to aim when I'm...like this" he mumbles, gesturing to his erection, you giggle and he crawls back on top of you "now where were we?" He smirks, grabbing your hips.

Luke: "Babe I really need to pee" you say softly, shaking Luke's shoulder, he is fast asleep, completely dead to the world, and his broad shoulder has you pinned to the mattress, his strong arm wrapped tightly around your waist, he is exhausted, having just come back from tour on the other side of the world and he is trying to recover from jetlag, you try to wriggle out from beneath him, but you stay wedged beneath his hard chest "Luke?" You try again, he is sleeping deeply, his pink lips parted, his warm breath fanning over your neck "Luke" you mumble, you try again to move, only getting yourself more stuck in the process, your movements causing him to pull you closer to him, his arm holding you in a bone-crushing embrace "Luke I can't breathe properly" you whine, trying to loosen his grip over your ribs "Luke this is starting to hurt" you say desperately, hitting his shoulder, his blue eyes flutter open and he coughs, propping himself up on his side "finally" you sigh, you run to the bathroom, relieving yourself, when you get back to bed Luke is sitting up, a guilty look on his face "sorry for crushing you baby" he mumbles, you laugh and lie down next to him "it's okay" you chuckle.

Calum: "Babe I really need to pee" Calum whines, giving you a desperate look "look Cal there's a Wendy's five miles away, just hold it for a bit okay?" You say, pointing out a sign on the side of the road, he purses his lips, his knee bouncing uncontrollably "please stop that" you sigh, trying to keep your eyes on the road, you are visiting a lodge up in the Canadian Rockies, and you've been driving for ages, and at the last restaurant, Calum had two large beers and now he's paying the price, suddenly a light drizzle starts up, the tiny drops of water pattering against the windshield "oh god, why?!" Calum moans, he is bouncing in his seat, his eyes shut tight "please stop, I can't hold it" he begs, you groan and pullover and he dashes out into the cover of the trees "watch out for bears!" You yell after him, he dissappears behind a large pine tree for a minute and then comes racing back into the car "I saw a bear! I swear I saw a bear! Go go go!" He exclaims, you peer out the window and soon you spot Calum's 'bear' "that's a racoon Cal" you laugh, watching the little animal amble through the trees "looked like a bear from where I was standing" he huffs, pouting his lips at you, you giggle and kiss him "I love you" you grin.

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