You Take An Item Of Clothing From Him

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Calum: "Babe I told you to bring a jacket didn't I?" He sighs, slipping his off and holding it out to you "yeah well I told you, I'm not cold!" You insist through chattering teeth

"You're shivering" he states "no I'm not" you lie, your body trembling uncontrollably "look just forget about your pride and take the fucking jacket" he grumbles, sliding it over your shoulders

The fabric is still warm from his body and you can't help but huddle into it "thanks" you whisper, he grins and kisses you softly "I love you too much for my own good" he laughs.

Luke: "So that's where my shirt went" Luke laughs, pulling at the hem of the shirt you are wearing, it is one of his plain black shirts and it is warm and smells like Luke

You hum in reply, smiling lazily up at your boyfriend "its comfy" you mumble, he grins and lays down next to you, tugging you into his arms "it looks good on you, a little bit big though" he chuckles

"Not my fault that you're a million miles long" you giggle, he pouts and pokes your side "I'm not that tall" he protests "right" you say sarcastically, he laughs and nuzzles his head against your neck "you're just short" he mumbles.

Michael: "I told you not to wear heels, I warned you there would be lots of walking, but of course you always know best" Michael mutters, untying his converse "I'm fine Michael, you can wear your shoes, I don't need yours" you snap

"Look babe, just admit you were wrong, it's alright to be wrong every once in a while, but right now, I'm not going to allow you to keep wearing those bloody heels, I can see you limping, and it hurts me, and I won't let you go barefoot either, so here" he murmurs, handing you his converse

You smile shyly, and meet his eyes "thank you" you mumble, tugging his shoes on, he helps you up and twirls you around, pressing his lips to yours.

Ashton: "Hey babes have you seen my beanie?" Ashton calls up the stairs "which one?" You ask "the grey one I got at H&M" he replies "haven't seen it" you say, giggling to yourself as you adjust the very beanie on your head

You are in the middle of applying mascara when Ashton pads in, his eyes on his phone, you freeze and he looks up, a smile slowly spreading over his face "haven't see it huh?" He chuckles

"Errr...oh my god Ash look what I just found!" You squeal, pointing towards the beanie on your head, he laughs and grabs your hips kissing you passionately "it's fine,  you keep it, looks better on you anyways" he murmurs.

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